I have a '08 with package #4 on order, but am confused on the MFD. Is the display the same on the packages 4 and 5 as far as normal functions (energy, vehicle log, radio, bluetooth, HVAC, etc) except the NAV? Seems like the on I test drove w/ package 5 had a vehicle log screen that areas to log oil changes, tire rotation, etc. I tried searching forums w/o luck, but new at this and not sure I did it right.
There are different screen resolutions. If you buy one without a backup camera, you get the older lower resolution one. if you buy one with the backup camera, you get the new high resolution MFD. Secondly, only the units with the navigation package will have the "logs" you speak of to keep track of maintenance items. It'll be under the Maintenance menu and has stuff likes tyres, oil change, wiper blades, brake fluid etc etc. There are so 2 or 3 empty spots for your own custom item you'd like to keep track.