Got mine about three weeks ago. It's an 07, gold, Pkg #2. I traded a Kia minivan for it. I drive this car every day from the Carson City Nevada Area up a mountain road to South Lake Tahoe, CA. 50 mile round trip. So far I get 47mpg driving a road that gains and drops about 3000 feet. Love this car so far. Only complaint is from my wife who does not like the blind spot from the right front pillar. I dont seem to have the same problem with it. Stereo could be a little better too.
Welcome! You'll find lots of info here about your new car. I have several good elevation changes here in the mountains as well. As your car breaks in, and you learn to drive it for better mileage, your mileage will go up as well, so what you're getting right now is actually quite good! Believe me, it will only go up, well, maybe except for the winter thing. you do know mileage goes down in winter, right? However, by next spring you should be through the break in period, and in the mid 50's for mileage. Good luck, and post your mileage often!!
Thanks. I was just reading about the winter thing. We will see. Winters here can get very cold at or near 0 at times. But I keep the car garaged so It starts out a little warmer than that. I wonder if a block heater will make any difference?
If you have the nine speaker system, try disconnecting the front center speaker. Most of us prefer the results.