Just got a 2008 Prius with the smart key system (really cool feature!) and I am going to have it tinted. Has anyone with the smart key system used metallic tint, and did it intefere with the smart key system operation?
No problems at all. I installed 50% metallic tint on all doors. I had the rear window matched to tint on the lower portion of the hatch as well with regular tint. I have not had any problems what so ever.
Metallic tint should have no effect whatsoever on the SKS since the units that detect the key fob are mounted in the doors and in the rear hatch and the inside roof liner. There should be no occasion for the signal to ever have to travel through the tint.
Thanks much for the info! After all this, my wife for some reason put the nix on metallic tint. She seems to think it looks like 1980's mirrored sunglasses. I tried to explain it's not all shiny, but I don't think I got anywhere.. Oh well, I asked them for the best stuff that they have, if it turns out to be metallic then I'll just have to say "sorry honey, too much trouble to take it off now!".
I believe the manual for my 2006 warns not to apply metallic tint as it may interfere with the low air tire warning system. However, I do have metallic tint and it did not affect the warning system.