<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(05_SilverPri @ Jul 11 2007, 04:22 PM) [snapback]477071[/snapback]</div> Well We need to build a massive wall with a minefiled behind it and then another wall behaind that... and put about 30,000-40,000 border agents behind the second wall... we need that border secured at all costs... then deport all the illegals... NO exemptions for "anchor children" or any other BS excuses... illegal means ILLEGAL... THEN create a single-payer national healthcare system... with the tax based on income... The more you make the more you pay... its that simple... FYI I consider myself a moderate democrat... few is any democrats I have talked to want the illegals ut on a path to legalization.. I really wish the Dems in congress would figure that out and side with the republicans on an enforcement-only plan... that is the ONLY issue I agree with the Republicans on...
I just noticed something in the preview I missed before I saw the film. Remember that list showing how the U.S. is 37th in Health Care quality? Well, look at the list again... and note the country two spaces WORSE than the U.S.
Aren't the illegal immigrants interested in health care already coming over? Perhaps we should try enforcing the laws against businesses using illegal labor before trying something new. If they can't pay for food and housing, they really aren't going to be able to stick around for the health care.
well... we finally watched sicko. yeah, we're just a little behind the times i'm not a movie cry-er, i'm gonna put that out there right away. but i was near tears a number of times in this movie. out of sympathy. out of amazement of what those people are going through. because we thought WE had it bad. i got too depressed to keep track once we hit 5 figures in medical bills WITH insurance. we still feel pinned down by it and when i think about it, it's hard to breathe sometimes. we've been fortunate in the recent past to run across some very good doctors who WANT to help. and we haven't had any problems with the insurance company itself, just the joke coverage levels that were offered to us through our respective employers. my own outrage against the situation we're in is bad enough, but i'm so angry for these people. to have resistant doctors and combative insurance companies on top of all that, it's enough to break a person. they give up all they have worked for, and die fighting. that's so depressing.
Don't feel bad galaxee, I had the same reactions and I already knew the statistics. I uploaded a great pod cast to my website that details our view of time and money and how it can affect our health if you are interested in listening. It's titled: Time is Not Money: Waking from the Workaholic American Dream Here are the studies some of those numbers came from: The Work, Family, and Equity Index - How does the U.S. measure up? The full 2004 pdf. Here are some other intersting bits while I look for the main paper: Global Gender Gap Index (source: World Economic Forum) Rank 2007 / Country / Score* 1 Sweden 0.814 2 Norway 0.805 3 Finland 0.804 4 Iceland 0.783 5 N. Zealand 0.764 6 Philippines 0.762 7 Germany 0.761 8 Denmark 0.751 9 Ireland 0.745 10 Spain 0.744 *0 to 1 scale: 0=inequality, 1=equality ............................................................... Ranking of the Woelds Health Systems (Source: WTO) WTO specific site Rank Country 1 France 2 Italy 3 San Marino 4 Andorra 5 Malta 6 Singapore 7 Spain 8 Oman 9 Austria 10 Japan 11 Norway 12 Portugal 13 Monaco 14 Greece 15 Iceland 16 Luxembourg 17 Netherlands 18 United Kingdom 19 Ireland 20 Switzerland 21 Belgium 22 Colombia 23 Sweden 24 Cyprus 25 Germany 26 Saudi Arabia 27 United Arab Emirates 28 Israel 29 Morocco 30 Canada 31 Finland 32 Australia 33 Chile 34 Denmark 35 Dominica 36 Costa Rica 37 United States of America 38 Slovenia 39 Cuba 40 Brunei 41 New Zealand 42 Bahrain 43 Croatia 44 Qatar 45 Kuwait 46 Barbados 47 Thailand 48 Czech Republic 49 Malaysia 50 Poland 51 Dominican Republic 52 Tunisia 53 Jamaica 54 Venezuela 55 Albania 56 Seychelles 57 Paraguay 58 South Korea 59 Senegal 60 Philippines 61 Mexico 62 Slovakia 63 Egypt 64 Kazakhstan 65 Uruguay 66 Hungary 67 Trinidad and Tobago 68 Saint Lucia 69 Belize 70 Turkey 71 Nicaragua 72 Belarus 73 Lithuania 74 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 75 Argentina 76 Sri Lanka 77 Estonia 78 Guatemala 79 Ukraine 80 Solomon Islands 81 Algeria 82 Palau 83 Jordan 84 Mauritius 85 Grenada 86 Antigua and Barbuda 87 Libya 88 Bangladesh 89 Macedonia 90 Bosnia-Herzegovina 91 Lebanon 92 Indonesia 93 Iran 94 Bahamas 95 Panama 96 Fiji 97 Benin 98 Nauru 99 Romania 100 Saint Kitts and Nevis 101 Moldova 102 Bulgaria 103 Iraq 104 Armenia 105 Latvia 106 Yugoslavia 107 Cook Islands 108 Syria 109 Azerbaijan 110 Suriname 111 Ecuador 112 India 113 Cape Verde 114 Georgia 115 El Salvador 116 Tonga 117 Uzbekistan 118 Comoros 119 Samoa 120 Yemen 121 Niue 122 Pakistan 123 Micronesia 124 Bhutan 125 Brazil 126 Bolivia 127 Vanuatu 128 Guyana 129 Peru 130 Russia 131 Honduras 132 Burkina Faso 133 Sao Tome and Principe 134 Sudan 135 Ghana 136 Tuvalu 137 Ivory Coast 138 Haiti 139 Gabon 140 Kenya 141 Marshall Islands 142 Kiribati 143 Burundi 144 China 145 Mongolia 146 Gambia 147 Maldives 148 Papua New Guinea 149 Uganda 150 Nepal 151 Kyrgystan 152 Togo 153 Turkmenistan 154 Tajikistan 155 Zimbabwe 156 Tanzania 157 Djibouti 158 Eritrea 159 Madagascar 160 Vietnam 161 Guinea 162 Mauritania 163 Mali 164 Cameroon 165 Laos 166 Congo 167 North Korea 168 Namibia 169 Botswana 170 Niger 171 Equatorial Guinea 172 Rwanda 173 Afghanistan 174 Cambodia 175 South Africa 176 Guinea-Bissau 177 Swaziland 178 Chad 179 Somalia 180 Ethiopia 181 Angola 182 Zambia 183 Lesotho 184 Mozambique 185 Malawi 186 Liberia 187 Nigeria 188 Democratic Republic of the Congo 189 Central African Republic 190 Myanmar World Health Statistics 2006 (80pg. pdf.)
I saw a piece on 60 minutes that there are some americans who don't have insurance that went to India/thailand for surgery. Do americans ever go to France for medical care, since they're #1 and all? Do French elite ever come to america for medical care? If so, why would they since we're #37?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(burritos @ Nov 26 2007, 11:52 AM) [snapback]544270[/snapback]</div> A while back I read a blog entry by a manic lawyer where he talks about his experience under the US and French healthcare systems(I haven't had much luck finding the actual entry). He had treatable mental problems, but his mother's coverage wouldn't cover the required treatments. It covered something along the lines of 5 therapy sessions a year. He goes overseas for grad school. As a student, he got into the French system for a one time fee of about $200, and got all the care he needed. Some may not think mental health care is important, but this guy, while untreated, took drives down the highway with eyes closed. Being healthy isn't an individual concern.
Sicko is on my netflix and its been at the top of the list for a few weeks now... it still is a "long wait" but i do anticipate getting it within a week or so. there was never any question that i would watch the movie. having several members of family and friends in the medical field including my SO who is a medical biller, i do have some insight as to problems in the medical field. two years ago, my SO had gall bladder surgery without health insurance, that cost us eventually about $15,000... but the bad thing is that if we had insurance, it would have cost us about $1,000 and the insurance company would have paid about $2,500 so the medical professions get screwed if you have insurance. also stories about the interaction between medical care providers and insurance companies can not be believed. my SO constantly stresses over her job because the insurance companies do actively do what they can to not pay out benefits. any small mistake on her claims can at best case delay desperately needed treatment (she works for oncology office, and mostly files qualifying claims for cancer treatments) or can disqualify a patient altogether.
Sicko I'm glad I had Kleenex when I saw it. And yes we are way behind the times. All my European friends call the US "a backwards country" and they are right. I wish I could live in France. It's so easy for people with good insurance to put down Michael Moore for making the best film he ever made. These are people that can't express and empathy for anything, even children in this country that have died due to lack of health care. You may prosper today but that could change in minutes. What would you do then? And medicare is a joke. If a low income person has medicare they could starve trying to pay all the premiums they get stuck with. Medical care is not a privledge, it's a right that every American should have. Hopefully our next President will be someone who is for the people, not for himself and his corrupt friends. Hopefully our country, now practically owned by China, will prosper again. If we don't get rid of the neocons, who are already planning how to steal the 2008 elections, then we are done and finished. Our country, as we used to know it, is just about on it's last legs . BUSH SUCKS!!!!!!!
We saw the DVD a few weeks ago, just after BlockBuster released it. I was appauled at how "lame" the U.S. really is and how "advanced" other countries are when it comes to Health Care. Made me more than mad.....
Medical Insurance is in no way guaranteed by the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. Why people believe that their government is obligated to provide them with health insurance is beyond me. I assume it is the "nanny-state" mentality. I for one do not want my health care in the hands of our government. Have you seen how poorly our own government takes care of it's military veterans via the VA? If they can't even provide adequate coverage for the honorable men and women that have served our country, how on Earth do you think they'll be able to cover every single person living in America, citizen or not? What we need is health insurance reform. The insurance companies are at fault. Not George W. Bush. Not Bill Clinton. Not Liberals and not Conservatives. Of course, the Doctors aren't exactly innocent either. I've seen trumped up medical bills created by the Doctors and their staff - while the patient just signs away with the mentality "I'm not paying for it, insurance is..". Socialized medicine isn't all that it is chalked up to be. Especially considering how Billary Clinton wants to enable this "Free" healthcare for all people in America, regardless of citizenship. Our emergency rooms are already full of illegal immigrants trying to get basic care for their coughs and scratches. When I went to the E.R. last year for an apendectomy, I had to wait in line behind at least a dozen illegal immigrants, whom were there for colds, coughs, and light abrasions. I was appauled at how they are abusing our already descent system. Implementing a free-for-all healthcare system is only going to encourage more illegal immigration. On another note, I wouldn't mind having a sort of "Socialized" healthcare plan as long as people were given the option to "opt-out" and use their own privatized health insurance. It would be good.. In the end, I really feel it is the insurance companies that need a good slap to the wrist.. not the tax payers of our country.
Apparently you haven't seen Michael Moore lately. He's lost a ton of weight and he looks great. Still a teddy bear though. He may be a liberal, but wacko he's not.
We are a broken and divided nation with wimps that won't stand up and fight to take our country back. At least 40% of the people still believe Bush is right. The neocons are out there now, planning on how to steal the next election. And if they pull it off, this country will never survive. So, they better get their fat butts off their couches and be prepared to hit the streets and bring the Bushies and others down to their knees. I'm not religious, but from what I've read about the anti christ, I'd say Bush is 50% anti christ and 50% Hitler. People ignored Hitler and look what happened. When history repeats itself, do they notice or care?
You give Bush too much credit. It is my opinion that Bush only surrounds himself with evil people, and Bush does their bidding. Anyone around him that begins to show the slightest bit of reasonable thought is forced out by his minions. I don't exactly get desynch's comments. He is against government provided heatlcare, but then says it's ok...as long as he can opt out. I am sure if you ask one of the 47 million uninsured Americans they would love desynch's plan.
I don't think that desynch understands that goverment can be a provider as in the VA system or can be a payer, as in the Medicare system. Medicare does very well, VA does not. Medicare is a single payer system and IMO, that is what the US needs. Just put everyone on Medicare and raise taxes to pay for it. The big problem with healthcare in this country, IMO, is that people with health insurance, usually given by their employer, beat up on the people who don't have employer given insurance available to them. Employer given health insurance has a tax break (you get the ins. but don't pay taxes on that benefit) included with it that people who pay for their own policys don't get. And that's very unfair. Patients who have employer given health insurance pay a lower rate for medical services because their insurance negotiates that lower rate and it is based on the rate charged to those who don't have health insurance (and are least likely to afford to pay the normal rate). And that's very unfair. And, for an individual to get health insurance, he or she has to be the perfect picture of health. But to get health insurance from an employer all you have to do is get hired. And that's very unfair. I'd like to see the US go with a single payer system but it will never happen because the health insurance industry would fight it tooth and nail. I'd also like to see medicare offered to anyone that would pay for it. I'm sure that quite a few who are denied insurance by the health insurance industry would snap it up. ~buttster
Absolutely. If people want Socialized Medicine, they should get it.. as long as they don't drag me into it. As far as I'm concerned, if all the poor/jobless/unemployed people want to all chip in for their own subpar healthcare system, more power to them. Personally, I don't want my taxes paying for people that cannot afford their own healthcare more than it already is. That would make it even better for me.. so the next time I end up in the emergency room, I'm not waiting in line behind a bunch of illegal immigrants that are there for a chest cold. You all can have your own socialized hospitals and I'll go to the privatized one. I'd prefer to go to the one where the best of the best work. The highest paid doctors and nurses.. they WONT be at the socialized hospitals, I promise. as far as comparing Bush to Hitler.. I think that is so lame. Disrespectful, knee-jerk, and lame.
The government is us. Where do you think they get that money from? Congress doesn't pay.. you're represenatives don't "pay". We the people, pay. I do not want to pay for every unemployed/illegal immigrant/homeless bum.. Like I said though, you are more than welcome to.
must be nice to be you. what happens to you if you get hurt and can't continue in the career you trained for? when you can't work a comparable job but don't qualify for disability? better hope you can marry someone with insurance or you're screwed.