I entered the codes to my SG2 with firmware 3.15 for SOC and BTV for my 2007 Prius. SOC is showing data but BTV is not. I have re-entered the codes and re-checked them, they are correct from the Linear Logic web site. I know a few others on this forum are having the same issue. I have emailed Linear Logic several times and am not getting a response from them concerning this. I would like to hear from others having this same issue and any advice on how to fix it.
Try and run the BTV gauge from the top left corner of the scangauge. That may work. If you already are or have tried then I have no idea.
Same here, I just got my updated scangauge in the mail. SOC works, BTV does not. Hoefully it's an error in the codes that are listed on their website.
Could one of the Mods merge this with the other thread on this issue so that when a solution arrives all will benefit? Thanks.
I talked to Ron at ScanGauge today, he acknowledged the issue with the Prius and the BTV not working. When the fix is available, look for updated values in the PDF for Xgauge, on the ScanGauge site. Specifically: http://www.scangauge.com/support/pdfs/XGAUGE.pdf
Did he have any explanation for why it works for some people and not for others? Is it only people who sent one back for an upgrade or does the problem seem to affect some of both newly purchased units and upgraded ones previously loaded with an earlier version?
Neicy, Ron got into techo-speak real fast, and I was just calling to see if they are working on it. Don't quote me on this, but I think he said. Different versions of software in the Prius are the problem, as far as how the car reports to the ScanGauge. My guess on the upgrade, is you either have the Xgauge feature or you don't. Since you load the CAN values yourself, the current values only work on some revisions of the Prius software. I could very well be wrong about all of this! I'm not sure if anyone has broken it down by Prius model years, or date of manufacture. My 2006 does not display -- BTV. Dan.
I've also observed that on the Prius, the horsepower seems to report only for the ICE. If I'm in EV mode (electric only) HP is zero. What I don't know is if the ICE is running and the electric motor is also, does the HP then include the electric motor? I'm guessing not. -Bill
Actually, it makes much more sense (at least to me) that it is the Prius software that is different. That would explain why the given code works for one car and not for others. Thanks.
SG II X Gauge BTV Display I just purchased a SG II (V3.15) through the P.C. Shop and it displays both SOC and BTV using the codes on Linear's site. I have a '06 pkg. 1 with the old style ('04-'05) analog MFD.