The following is from some correspondence that I had with customer support at Yakima Racks last week. I should note that I had a Yakima Roof Rack on both my previous cars (going back over 20 years): I sent the following short note to Yakima last Tuesday (following up on previous correspondence): "Any updates on a roof rack for the 2004 Prius. I see that Toyota will be offering one in France (see )." [Note: Although 'prius 2003' occurs in the URL name, the pictures show that the accessories for the 2004 Prius]. I received the following reply: "Unfortunately, that factory rack option is not available in the US. We have determined that we will need a new Q clip to mount a rack on that car. We are currently gauging demand for such a rack, and will make a decision on that soon. We still have you in our file and will contact you with any updates we have." Since they are gauging demand, if you interested in seeing them market the appropriate clips, you should contact them through their support phone number (888)925-0703 or via email at [email protected]
Thanks for the update. Nothing from Thule yet either. Got this form letter in November; Thank you for submitting your email address to Thule. We are currently working on a solution for your vehicle. At this time we do not have definitive date for fitting this vehicle. When the fit becomes available, you will receive an e-mail message with the Thule part numbers you will need to complete your new vehicle fit. E-mailed the person whe sent it, asking for an update. No reply yet. I'll call the 800 number when I get my car. brian
isn't that going to seriously bring down your mpg? i'm interested in taking up hanggliding soon and that's one of my worries, that i'll need a permanent roof rack to carry the glider.
I have seen a 2004 Prius with a roof rack in the South Bay/Torrance area once. I did not look to see what kind of roof rack it was.
I'm not a hang glider only a bicyclist, skier, and sometimes board sailor who's used yakima racks for years on various cars (Volvo 145, VW Golf, and currently a BMW 325): my friends' rack for his hang gliders was quite a heavy rack and nothing I would put on a Prius. If, and I guess from Diane's last post that's big IF, I ever get a Prius, I'm not going to put anything on its roof but move my current roof rack to my other car, HONDA CRV. I would check with Toyota to be sure that the Prius can handle the load and strain of a roof rack with a hangglider on it. I doubt it, but then I'm not a glider or an engineer. -Jody Rawles, Long Beach, CA
Yakima and Thule racks are easily removable. I intend to use mine only when carrying multiple bicycles. The rest of the time, the roof will be aerodynamically clean.
received the following from Thule regarding a multi-purpose roof rack. You are receiving this e-mail because you have previously subscribed to Thule's e-mail fit update service. This service is designed to inform you about products that will be available for your vehicle on Mid-may. The information you provided us is listed below: Make: Toyota Model: Prius Year: 2004 This solutions can be viewed on our website under this address: If this message has reached you in error, please reply to the address above and we will remove your name from this service. Thank You, Thule Car Rack Systems
aile beat me to it. Note that the the fit kit # is 2142. I currently have the 400 (I think) foot pack and the load bars, so I think all I need is the fit kit. (unless there is significant difference between 400 and 400 XT) Brian
It's hard to tell if the 400XT is required with Prius fit kit. I think you should be fine with the 400. It looks as through the XT is just a newer version.
From Thule: I haven't found "AEROUP" on the website. But good to knwo that all I need to get is the fit kit. I gopt my caurrent rack for carracksdirect, but I have some REI dividend $, so may get the fit kit throuoh them. Brian