Nope, can't see any here either. FWIW, the browser behaved like it was still loading something -- like high-res pics -- for an extended period, but the pics never appeared.
LOL sorry guys; I'm on a dynamic IP that occasionally changes on me, so I have to change the DNS settings frequently. Since the pics are large I don't want to waste space on the server. I'll wait until the DNS info is fixed. If you are really really eager to see them, the link is, but you'll have to click the images independently. Stupid Earthlink... ~ dan ~ Thanks, all, for being patient; I'm super proud of my car!
Nice pics dude~ are those stock speakers in your doors? The woofer cones look opaque. You must be one of those true hippies, you've got a Westfalia or one of them there yuppie hippies as you also have a mitsubishi in the back ground... (HyCam, I removed the quoted images. -Tony)
Nice looking interior. I'm stunned that you don't have mud-guards, rear bumper applique, and shark-fin antenna though! I'm also pretty surprised that those goofy wheel trim-rings are still on your car If you haven't tried taking them off, you should at least remove them to see if you like the look. I wasn't convinced at first, but as soon as they were off I knew they were never going back on. p.s. you might want to post the pics here if your IP is dynamic, instead of linking to them. They loaded after a LONG wait.
Thanks all. Ichabod - I can't stand the BMWish-ness of the shark fin, so I removed the stinger and put a small plug in instead. Surprisingly, FM reception is still quite good in my area. I hate the look of the wheels, period; without the "beauty rims" (lol) it's just too obivous it's supposed to have beauty rims on it, so I'm on the market for nicer wheels. I saw a prius nearby that had a very nice set of wheels like high-quality polished, chromed, five-lug versions of the MkI wheels. I left a note on the car asking what the wheels were so I could look into the manufacturer, but received no e-mail. Consequently I'm still looking for a set I will like on the car. Ideas? I'm looking to avoid exceeding $1500 for the set, as with a baby on the way I don't know what my budget is set to be for long I'm interested in tinting the front and back light covers, but am concerned about the loss of lighting efficiency. Percentage-wise, how much brighter are those $60 aftermarket HID xenon bulbs? If i use a 17% tinted cover, will their extra brightness make up the difference? I don't know how I wasn't a member of this forum before! Everyone's nice, supportive, and full of great info and ideas! ~ dan ~
Actually I tricked you guys; they're all a bunch of transparent GIFs ~ dan ~ jk; hopefully they'll load soon. What's the file size limit on an inline attachment to a post?
Nice pictures and a nice car. It just dawned on me that the word Pride has been hijacked like the word Gay was by the same people. Sorry to have had this negative mental reaction when I saw your post's title.
Hah! Since when is the word "gay" a negative reaction? One of the latter three photos was shot in Berkeley (that's where the Mitsubishi came from). The other was shot in my driveway with the Volkswagen van (my wife LOVES that van -- we camp in it). Can you spot the 2003 Prius in front of my house in one photo? Look through two panes of tinted glass... ~ dan ~
To:BigBlockGasGuzzlerPrius Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln
Is this the factory leather or is this custom? I think it looks great! I also have the black car/tan leather combo but I think my leather was done "at port" . I like mine but the mix of black and tan leather is very sharp. Any idea where I could get black leather arm rests and console cover?
Wow, I wish my car were that clean. As for combining the words 'Prius' and 'pride', pious doesn't sound quite right, does it?
For those asking how to get a two tone leather... go to the katzkin website and play with the virtual designer... you can see images for various colors you might consider... add piping or perforation... I'M DYING TO KNOW IF THIS INSTALL AT THE BEGINNING OF THE THREAD USED BLACK OR A DARK CHARCOAL GREY... Look at the console. I know photos can look light especially with a flash, but it looks lighter/softer than black doesn't it? I could swear that the Prius dash is a deep charcoal not a pure black in parts... Mine is on order and I'm having to pick my seat colors now... the dealer is too many miles away to drive a non-hybrid to!
Ours are costing around 1K - and we opted for perforated in the center lower area of the back and all of the seat lighter color. Add about 500 clams for heated. Katzkin brand. We have been told EVERYWHERE that going with vinyl and leather combo seats will long outwear all leather. We thought that would look bad, but after seeing both, and how much crisper the folds are on the arm rests, we went with the combo. They guy who convinced us what the aftermarket leading installer in town. He said it is what he did on his own cars, and I have to say, it looked GREAT. The seams will last longer I'm told. Hope this info helps. We never did hear back from the person who started this thread on exactly what colors his interior leather are. Grey? Black? The color that matches the bisque interior in Katzkin is Beach. The color that made the most sense to us for the dark tone, was black, since newer Prius cars have an all black dash, not dark grey... Good luck, -Madeleine