Just a FYI, if for some reason you need to remove or relocate the center console. A note of caution. Last night I completely removed the center console to prepare the car for my wife to make it more drivable and comfortable, from the right side (mail carrier). I disconnected the 2 plugs at the rear of the center console at the bottom, at things were getting funny. It turns out these plugs have something to do with the 'Smart Key" System. I effectively negated their function, and possibly some other function to the security system. I re-attached them and all is fine. I am hoping, that just sliding the console back as far as it will go, is enough to keep her comfortable. I really don't want to start cutting the console, who knows where their are more wires. I'll just keep that marble rolling around in my head, to think of another idea.
The smart key system (SKS) has multiple antennas that it uses to determine if a key fob is present, and where it is located. I assume you disconnected the center one which is used to tell the car that a fob is somewhere near the front seats. Tom
It used to be that Subaru made a few right hand drive cars for postal use. So did Jeep. It would be cool if Toyota could get some kind of deal to make RHD Prius for postal use. I see lots of other Prius is public service capacity, RHD mail delivery would be a natural for a company that already builds RHD for domestic use. Just a thought.
My rural route carrier drives a rhd subaru. Great in the snow, but watching her come by every day, start stop, start stop, I always think how great it would be to have a Prius. Icarus
yes, one of the connectors plugs into the Oscillator that is part of the SKS system (It's the thin, rectangular white piece). The other connector is the power for the power outlet in the center console... You could remove the center console but keep the oscillator intact. I don't know enough about these to know if it needs to be mounted in a particular orientation. I do know that all of them are oriented such that the thinnest dimension is on a horizontal plane (if that makes sense) or stated another way, if you were to remove it from the car and keep it oriented as it was in the car, and put it on the ground, it would stand up on edge. Cheers,
Console I am a new RCA in Wisconsin. I bought a well used 05 with 95,000 on it two months ago it has 99,500 now. I removed the console completely, put the module (standing up) on the back of the metal box found under the console and installed a center mount hand brake from a BMW where the console used to be. The hand brake is a neccessity for me with the big snow banks, now I can set the hand brake and do the big reach for the box with out having the car drive off. It also helps when you don't punch the power button quite long enough! See pics of the install on the wisconsin state Prius Chat http://priuschat.com/forums/showpost.php?p=511693&postcount=23 I am getting mid 20's on the route temps in the low teens window open and pretty nasty driving. Cheers Gary
You could remove the center console but keep the oscillator intact. I don't know enough about these to know if it needs to be mounted in a particular orientation. I took the oscillator out of the console, that console was a (#%@#) to take apart without breaking, simply reconnected and laid it underneath the seat, smart key functions work.
the console can be slid back? how? i often remove the front cup holders to wash them in the sink and air dry, and that doesnt affect any of the electrical connectors. you just pull up and the whole front of the console just pops out
this is exactly what hubby did to my 08 prius. He removed the console, but left everything underneath intact, built a small rectagle box, and covered it with auto carpeting, and installed the AUX and Cig JAck to the back of the box so my strobe light could run off it and my ipod could be used too. I also got a 12 inch seatbelt extender to help pull the seatbelt away from my neck and allow for easier movement to grab packages from back seat. So fat it is all working great. My SKS system works perfectly too. I am getting 43 MPG my first week in the car, compared to 12 MPG in my RHD jeep wrangler. There is NO going back to that!
Hey Dixie, Great to hear you've got things worked out with the console removal. I've been getting similar MPG for three years now. I used a minivan prior to the Prius and could only get 8-9 MPG on the route. I also had to replace brake pads every 8-10k. My 2005 Prius now has 66K and my original pads are still in very good condition! :cheer2: Timm
My 05 is showing 118K just put in the first set of front pads, rotors were fine. I replaced rear pads at about 105,000 I did not put it on the route until it already had 95,000 miles. A new headlight and an R&R on the aiming module about wraps it up for maintenance so far. Of note the curb side brakes showed more wear than the road side set. Discussion on a different group led me to watch for that. p.s. Turn the drums when you replace shoes. Should be obvious but I tried to sneak by without doing it. The ridge on the inside where the shoes don't hit causes the brake dust to stay in the drum and cause grabby brakes when cold.