I have heard talk on this forum and others re: a "snowflake" appearing on the MFD to warn of freezing conditions when the temp drops below 37F. I have yet to see it on my 07' Has this been discontinued? Nothing in the manual about it!
The snowflake is not on my '06. I think it was discontinued in either '04 or '05. Personally, I'd rather not have it since it apparently stays on all winter long......
On the '06+ you'll see a brief flash on the MFD with the snowflake symbol and then it goes away. On the '04/'05 we get the flash on the MFD then a "permanant" snowflake on the dash display as well.
I have been driving when the temp dropped below 37 and was kinda looking for it, but never did see it. If it comes on, it must just be on there for a second.
It has it. However, it flashes (drops down) pretty quickly. If you're not watching the MFD at the time, you'll miss it. I believe the same applies to the 08. It's probably a good thing that you have not seen it. It means you're watching the road.
I don't think it's an actual snowflake, it's just a dropdown message that says something like "Outside Temperature 37"
Narf is correct. It briefly drops down from the top a message of what the outside temp is. Same as the "Bluetooth connection succeeded" (or failed) . Pearl does it just as I get back in after closing the garage door. No snowflake.
That alone makes me want to trade off my '04. It's getting a bit old sticking the piece of black electrical tape on the dash for +5 months of the year
I must be blind, no snowflake, no drop down, nuthin! Anybody have an 07' to confirm or deny I am losing my mind?
My 2007 does it. You have to watch closely though. It goes right away. I usually miss it. Too busy driving the car.
I've noticed that if it is 37 or below when I get into the car and it stays that way, I will never see the banner on the display (where the bluetooth connection status and radio station shows when changed). But when I start out at higher than 37* and it reaches down to that leve, it will lower a banner that says Outside Temp 37*. And this is in the '07.
Well, it doesn't get cold enough here in South Fla for the snowflake or whatever pops up, but I have noticed in my '07 that the "Add Fuel" drop down on the MFD is very brief and only goes on once - when the last fuel tick starts flashing. Maybe it's the same kind of scenario with the cold weather alert on your '07....
There is a "snowflake" on my 07 MFD screen... however, it appears rather randomly, when the temp is below 37F. Soon after the car is started, and then, if the temperature drops, it will appear again, for about 3 seconds, though it may not appear right away. It's a snowflake, with / \ over it, and the word WARNING, it's yellow... The first time I saw it, it freaked me a bit, it looked more like an alien bug than a snowflake!