When I say the phone number, the car tells me to press the voice button briefly or hit the off-hook switch to dial. I do either one of these, and it goes back to asking me for the phone number. Am I doing something wrong?
You're probably interrupting the voice prompt which makes it start over. You have to wait until the ENTIRE voice prompt message has been said, THEN do the next step. Painfully slooow in my opinion!
What's odd is that system prompts can be interrupted when making inputs with the navigation system, but , as you said, not with the bluetooth phone. You're right, it's an annoyingly slow process with the phone, due to that fact. And I have excellent success with voice recognition in all modes, it's disappointing they made the phone so tedious to work with. Speed dials win.
it will speed up if you turn off the voice prompts then instead of the prius talking, press the talk switch or off hook to dial, it will just beep