I'm not sure I can get behind those because they picture the late model Prius but use the classic Prius logo. I'm a designer so it probably bothers me more than most but the two don't really go together.
Well, OK, thanks. To me the classic Prius is the 1st generation, so I don't really understand what you mean. Many people have checked them out and no one, other than you, has mentioned anything.
I agree, that lettering belongs with the first gen Prius not the current shape. Not a bad effort though. I like the Prius envy idea, I'd like a shirt that says, "Do you suffer Prius envy" And, "There is a cure for Prius envy"
Well, thank you both. Now I understand what you are talking about, Ichabod. I remember when I did this a while back, I couldn't find a font available to match the newer logo. Ones that were close didn't look as good. So I used the one you see which was closer to the classic. I felt this also was far more readable, especially to the general public, non-Prius owners. So anyone looking at it will immediately get the message, since it is clean and clear. Thanks for the suggestions, patsparks. I'll see what I can do.
Sorry, didn't mean to rain on your parade... I'm coming from many years of art training and professional graphic design and animation experience so I pick apart any design I see. Good luck getting them out there though! Perhaps if you could pull it off, you should make 2 different designs for each, one with the "classic" logo and car (1st gen) and one with the 2nd gen logo and car. I think "classic" owners would appreciate that.
No problem! Thanks for your feedback. Good idea regarding the classic PRIUS design. I just didn't think there were enough of them out there to do it. But if I heard from some of them, then...why not!
Sigh... all the more reason to disallow big avatars and big sig pictures. I saw abuse of that "feature" coming a mile down the road.