"A group of scientists has studied the colors in more than 500 paintings of sunsets, including many of Turner's 19th-century watercolors and oils, in hopes of gaining insights into the cooling effects caused by major volcanic eruptions. By better understanding past changes in climate, they hope to improve computer models for future climate change." :lol: Tax dollars hard at work! Regardless of whether this study supports or refutes AGW, this has to be one of the silliest, most poorly conceived studies I've seen yet on global warming.
The study was really simply an initial study to see if there was any accurate environmental information contained in period artwork, testing for a correlation between volcanic eruptions and the colors used by a variety of painters. I'll admit it sounds rather goofy, but when you look at the actual paper it doesn't seem quite so flaky. It's mainly asking if there is data contained in art that could be used as another data source to compare to others (i.e., to correlate with ice-cores or written period accounts). The study makes no claims at all to support or refute AGW. Atmospheric effects of volcanic eruptions as seen by famous artists and depicted in their paintings http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/7/4027/2007...7-4027-2007.pdf
Hcam, Which of the quotes is your input? A few months back when Burritos was starting threads with quotes but no personal insight, we made him stop. Turnaround = fair play.
I find it most amusing that someone who knows next to nothing on the subject is making posts refuting it. You'd be better served by actually reading scientific journals and brushing up on your education my friend.
Thank you Tim, This was my point at the time of posting... Some of the methods that are being used to prove GW is really our fault.. It would make most people stop and re-think a moment on the issue when the real informaion come to light, on the way they get their SCIENTIFIC facts.... Im not going to sit here and say that GW is not factual, I still believe its a natural accurance and that we as people may contribute a small amount to the overall cause. As for F8L's comment, stick it in your ear my friend.
And why do you beleive GW "is a natural occurence and that we....may contribute a small amount to it? There are literally thousands of scientists who study this for a living who believe otherwise. As I have pointed out to you before, these scientists represent an overwhleming majority and a consensus. You apparently think you know more then they do. Why? How do you rationalize your belief? It is inconsistent with current scientific knowledge and facts. In your infinite wisdom do you also believe smoking doesn't cause lung cancer?
As for GW being a natural occurance, every thing I've read points to it is a natural occurance and that mans contribution is only 10%. Yes I have read the other sites that will agree with what you think also. But I guess in the end we will attempt to lower our foot prints and wait and see who right & whos wrong only time will tell... As for cigarettes causing cancer? Yes the carcinagins from the tobacco smoke have been shown to cause cancer in dogs and other animals used in long term studies. But there again what about those who have smoked from the age of 14 to 86 and died of natural causes and never had cancer? What about those who never smoked and they died from lung cancer? And they didnt hang around smokers?
LOL, um they got cancer because they were surrounded by air containing numerous other cancer causing agents which are byproducts of industrial countries? Think past your inital gut reaction for once.
Here is some interesting information for others that read this thread.... I had a friend that died recently from esophogus (spell check) cancer. He had not smoked a day in his life, & he didnt hang around smokers to breath in the 2nd hand smoke.. I have two other friends that have cancer as well, and they too have never smoked in their life times. (ones a vegan the other a meat & potatos eater) Hmm if we could only find a way to smoke these; potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and red peppers. Oh wait we would still get cancer from these too.......
That kind of makes my piont for me. If everything you have read says that then you have obviously read very, very little on this subject and know essentially nothing about it. Its not about finding "sites" to support you opinion like the "single scientist thinks x" one you linked us to. In a recent thread I posted for you the consensus opinon of a number of highly respected scientific organizations that represent thousands of scientists worldwide. They all believe differently than you. You didn't bother to respond to that post, because you can't. But I know you read it and know you have ignored it. Why? I suspect because you allow your politics and biases to prevent you from thinking clearly or logically. You should wake up and be honest with yourself.
Well my "Politics" dont have a lean on GW. I think that 1/2 the money spent trying to prove GW is man made, could be put to better use like maybe feeding the homeless or some thing... I keep up on the GW debate fairly often, and really read into it when Im bored.. I choose to refrain from replying to the posters that tend to belittle others, in their quest for greatness and proving their topics with their fellow brainiacs.. As I remember it being said those who say GW is a natural occurance are wrong no matter how much proof they show. "Dude your the typical stereo type" (If I herd it on Fox news then Im a republican but if I herd it on NPR there maybe some validity to the statment. You have your opinion & I have mine..
There are so many stupid/silly types of research being conducted to link Humans as a cause of GW. Examples: .</H3> </H2> These are just a few examples that are out there. There seems to be alot of people jumping onto the GW band wagon, it just seems that there are so many "Scientists" holding their hands out $$$. Again why should we believe what joe said just because hes a scientist, & that his article was released in a liberal news paper? Because he has shown us a pie graph chart? It seems that GW, is the same as what religious bashers would point out about GOD. You really cant see GW. I mean yeah ok you can see what is being called the effects of GW, as proof its true. But then we fall back on the whole bible issue as it being a flawed book, hmm I guess the same could be said of GW.