Whoa! Priuschat looks a lot different now. It's been a while since I've been here. I'm surprised this thread is still going. Damn I'm craving some shrimp quesadillas tonight. Guess I'll stop at the store. My cup is sticky.
It's probably too dangerous to wonder why withersea's cup is sticky. I have too many details running around in my head and it's getting crowded in there. Wasabi is just so good.
I wonder why my RNA is not ligating properly. What did I do wrong that the universe treats my RNA like this? I just want good results so I can graduate. Why do I have to spend so much time teaching undergrads that I don't have time for my research? Oh right, my boss doesn't have money to pay me. My quartz slides are boiling in water. I hope the dam* coverslips come off the slides quickly. Then I can catch the 5.12 bus home.
Boy, that was the cheesiest xmas function I've ever been to. The Dean really is such a tightwad, setting up tables in the foyer... Couldn't we at least get out of the building? ...and where did they get those nibbles?! Left overs from last year? I wonder what sort of training it takes to become a muffinologist like eclectcmoi?
ooh, i love michgal's lory! this week is pre-grant-resubmission panic week. and pre-committee meeting panic week. the pressure is on! i either enter saturday afternoon like a rockstar or falling on my face... let's hope for the former, eh?
I've been employed in my company on three different occasions. On the first occasion, I had to go to an Employee Health and Safety Orientation (3 hours long ). I went. The second time I was here, I was told I had to go again. I talked to the training dept and explained that I had gone the previous year when I was previously employed. I didn't have to go again. This time (after having been here close to 2 years this time), I'm told that I have to go again. They have changed the training course number, so when they look up my training records for the current course number, it's not there. Obviously. I have got much more important things to be doing with my time than to go to a 3 hour training that I have been through before. I know where the ***** fire exits are. I was one of the people that checked to be sure people were out for fire drills last year. I know what to do if and when I spill a ****** chemical. I was on the HazMat team. I know how to set up my **** desk ***** ergonomically. [deep breath ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...] Ok. Time to go eat breakfast and then waste time (I mean get trained).
Skwyre has a wife AND a driver. How cool is that? Why does my poodle think it's a lot more fun for him to lick me than I think it is fun to be licked. (BEHAVE! You know who you are!)
I wonder what Rufaro could possibly be thinking? And why do I have the sneaking suspicion it might have something to do with me?
How could Hyo POSSIBLY believe it was he to whom moi was referring? And isn't the question game a different thread?
Behave? Always more questions than answers, and always a play on words in there somewhere. Me/moi, conscious/conscience, referring/Rufaro.
I only know two people who are punnier than hyo. I'd be very scared to have all three of them in the same room. The other two have known each other since about 1972, and I'm related to one of them. And my son is visiting with the other one this weekend. VERY scary consideration in my conscious consciousness.
Oh, so here is another in a long line of random thoughts: Is it okay to not want to go to the mall this time of year?
What will happen when the ocean becomes a net carbon source and drives further heating and methane release from the ocean bottom and permafrost? How am I going to get my eye fixed with no health coverage? Is Brian up?
i hate the car parts all over my living room. seriously. casper is talkative today. sometimes i wish the boss didn't have email access during her vacation.
I want to see 'I AM LEGEND' . But now my brother who was to see it, is claiming he is sick. So who will see it with me?