The most I have put in for the all fill ups,(so far 4), is 8.352 gallons. What is the most anyone has put in for a fill up?
My Prius was very thirsty one time and took over 9 gallons. Aside from that single instance though all my other fillups have been in the 7 to 8+ gallon range. I'm hoping the bladder loosens up a bit as time goes by. It'd be nice to have the full 11 gallons the manual says we have.
Usual fill up (when 2 pips are showing) consists of 7-8gallons with some 8.5ga fillups during the summer. My highest fillup ever was just over 9gallons but I had driven down to 1 pip for awhile.
I put in 10.214 gallons last June 8th. I was averaging 50.1 MPG for that quarter. On that particular tank, I went 473.9 miles, so the mileage was a bit low, but that's why I do 4-tank and 10-tank rolling averages. In general, I seem to put in between 7 and 9 gallons. Last fill-up was only 6.086 gallons and I went 304.2 miles. I could go on, but it's doubtful you've even read this far... ^_^
I put in about 12 gallons when a pump failed to automatically shut off one time. Then it came squirting out on the ground.
Filled up 7 times so far, the pump read these amounts: 9.091 9.718 10.042 10.413 9.789 9.871 8.830 I typically fill up after the light starts flashing and always stop pumping when the pump shuts off automatically.
Gas fills in gallons So far (16 fills), my highest was 10.8 @88 degF. I usually fill up at one or two pips. My last one with one flashing pip took 9.9 @34degF.
After over 100 tanks, three have been more than 11, all of which were times I darn near ran out of gas on the interstate. 11.49 11.65 11.73 (Did actually run out of gas on this one, limped to a gas station on the battery). Eight tanks were over 10, with that making 90 or so between 7-9.5. Usually try to fill up on the last pip and let the pump run until it clicks off the first time.
I always know how much gas the tank will dividing the miles I've driven since last fill-up by the average MPG on the display. Rountinely 10-11 gallons depending on when I full up in 600-650 miles of driving. Works like a charm.
37 litres and that's in the summer. In the winter, I'm down to 20 something litres. I feel like a smart owner (they have 22 litre tanks + 5 litre reserve)
Not Many Yet Only filled up our 208 3 times and most was 8.5 gallons May be the more you get in there the more the blatter Stretches (Ha Ha)
12.04 gallons, but gas spilled out. The last tick had started flashing 6 miles before fillup. Since filling up, it stayed on full for 205 miles. Then, at the half tank mark I was at 375 miles. I'm still driving on the same tank.
I have an enjoyable story regarding fill-ups. One time, on a trip back from Las Vegas, I pulled into a gas station with two friends who accompanied me on the trip. We all had to use the bathroom quite badly and the car (my 2001) was almost empty, so I started the pump running and we went in. I had this funny feeling about the guy in the van on the opposite side of the pump, and I don't know why, but we still (trustingly) left the vehicle unattended while filling. When we returned from the restroom (I'll forego the sexist comment), the pump was sitting in the car and filling was finished. I know the tank was close to empty, but explain how a car with an 11.9-gallon fuel tank took 12.8 gallons of fuel. Never trust any specimen of the human race. ~ dan ~ PS - When I ran out entirely in the 2001, it took slightly over 11 gallons after I did the restart-over-and-over-again trick (it dies, throws up a plethora of error messages, and coasts a bit. Then you park, turn it off, turn it back on and go a bit further. You can repeat this maybe six to eight times, slightly more if you're lucky).
I'm not sure there is a standard answer. I always wait for the flashing tick before I fill up (plenty of gas stations around), and it's a different quantity to fill up each time, although this is the first time it has ever overflowed....