I noted Banjoman's satisfaction with this Alpine equipment but now that I am ready to buy one, it does not seem to be available. I have the JL Audio ZR650CSI speakers in and about to install the JL 300/4v2 amp. Is there a suitable replacement for the PXE-H650 unit to flatten out the frequency response plus its other bag of tricks for improving the JBL amp which I am keeping --JBL Premium system-2007 Prius. I was hoping to duplicate Banjoman's success story. aloha/thanks Bob
If I were you, I'd buy a JL Audio Cleansweep to hold myself over until spring, when the JBL MS-8 is expected to be released, and then sell the Cleansweep on Ebay for just a few tens of dollars less than I paid for it. IMHO, the Cleansweep is sufficiently lower in price than the Alpine and JBL that it does not directly compete with either unit.
note the jbl unit will cost much more. The alpine unit was available at crutchfield.com the last time I checked. I got mine on Ebay for $320. They have been coming up there now and then, but none that I see today. good luck
All the CleanSweep functions are in the PXE-H650 including high frequency and low frequency output summing, automatic level compensation, response correction of factory-equalized head units using a supplied calibration CD, etc. These are all in one package PLUS the automatic EQ and delay timing using the supplied calibrated mic. In my view, it's a lot more bang-for-your-buck than the CleanSweep.
found one for you, and a great price too http://techronics.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&product_id=5473&aff=72182