I think that brings the Prius up to about 167,000 vehicles for the year, only 3K more for their initial goal, and already more than 50% above all of last year. Read the full article here: http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/071203/toyota_sales.html?.v=2
I don't know what is good for December, but assuming somewhat similar numbers to a decrease with the holidays, it could be from 180-185K for the year! Not bad at all. Getting close to the 200k a year mark. What is the Camry, around 400K a year?
Here are the top 20 selling vehicles in the US thru Nov 07: http://www.reuters.com/article/marketsNews/idCAN0364405520071203?rpc=44
There are good signs in those number but it's a pity about the 2 top sellers. New tech at number 14 isn't a bad effort and the fastest growth even though tax breaks are cutting out! It's refreshing to see a reduction in sales of F Series, Silverado and Ram. On ya America!
I'm not sure about the Silverado, but the F-series (150, 250, 350) is a pretty wide range of vehicles, more than just minor changes to the trim. I'm impressed the Prius is #14 overall. Last year it wasn't even listed (n/a). Interesting dichotomy in that both the Prius and Tundra are big climbers in the chart. Toyota did beat Ford again this month, but I'm not really cheering that. I just wish the domestic companies had their act together, with the PNGV program in the 90's they had the opportunity to corner the fuel-efficient market. At the same time, I'm surprised the FEH isn't selling better than it is, especially the redesigned version seems like a good vehicle for those needing extra space at 34+ mpg.
Prius: Up 109% - Dodge Ram: Down 29.3% Where are all the guys screaming at me: "drive your girly car - I need my big vehicle?"