Prius ranks #1, partly because they compared it to a 4 cylinder Camry. One part that's suspect is "Also, we didn't include the effect of depreciation - which would only make hybrids look to be more costly. Most experts think that hybrid vehicles lose value faster than non-hybrid ones." I wonder who these "most experts" are. Interesting, it looks like they've messed up in their comparisons of fuel economy #s per the comment from It looks like they're using 08 EPA method numbers for hybrids and comparing them to something that is approximately the that of the 07 method for non-hybrids. That seems to be the case for the Prius and the HCH.
CNN & some others... I've noticed some other articles & authors, especially those from USA, that they are bias against the Hybrids probably because we do not have our "own" hybrid. I do not have link or quotes but you can find them in plenty of places. I have seen some articles for and some against even in the same newspaper like WSJ (Wall Street Journal). I think in part, its a natural reaction to change - Some are for it, some are against. However, whether its an aversion to change or part of some conspiracy by the "Big Three" to keep their entrenched backwards thinking in place, I think people should really rethink their driving habits versus the greater good so that we can keep our individual mobility while conserving precious fuel and keeping our environment balanced. Our "Big Three" really need to do a rethink and make products that makes sense and drives technology forward and more effecient. That should naturally protect its own entrenchment instead of relying on protectionist laws. This alternative fuel thing needs some government direction as well. Biofuels make sense upto a point and doesn't make sense when it does nothing except drives up prices of common foods we need to eat - people do not run on gasoline. My Two cents -Calvin
As someone else so accurately pointed out . . . these marketing geniouses made their money by saving 10's of thousands . . . on their education.
Calvin, I agree with much of what you said. There are times I miss the roar of a V8 engine. I love the quiet shut-off of my Prius vs. the loud idle of a diesel. However, that same article above put the Malibu hybrid as #2 as far as payoffs. Despite their environmental benefits, most people think of hybrids as fuel sippers. The Prius would be commercially non-viable if it were only environmentally friendly. The math in that Money article may be suspect, but I don't think their movies are.
I do not know, seems that they're praising the Prius, but I agree comparing it against the Camry is a bit loosey goosey of an argument. Maybe they should have just said "hey there is no car to compare it to since this was the only(?) hybrid to be built as a hybrid, not just a swap of parts on an existing body"