I have been driving (legally) for over 5 decades. . One would think I would have noticed the little secret on my dash that was staring me right in the face the whole time. I didn't and I bet you probably haven't either. Quick question, what side of your car is your gas tank? If you are anything like me, you probably can't remember right away. My solution is to uncomfortably stick my head out the window, strain my neck and look. If you don't do this in your own car you definitely have done it in a borrowed or rental car. Well ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to share with you my little secret so you will no longer look like Ace Ventura on your way to the gas station or put your neck at risk of discomfort or injury. If you look at your gas gauge, you will see a small icon of a gas pump. The handle of the gas pump will extend out on either the left or right side of the pump. If your tank is on the left, the handle will be on the left. If your tank is on the right, the handle will be on the right (see photo below).Or, There is an arrow pointing on the side of the gas door [see jpg] It is that simple! I don't know how you feel right now but when I found out this morning I felt cheated! Why don't the dealers share such important information with car buyers? I don't understand why this isn't in the drivers Ed manual? I don't get why any mechanic I have ever been too or know has even thought of mentioning this to me? The only possible explanation can be that all these people probably don't even know!
I have been driving (legally) for over 5 decades. . One would think I would have noticed the little secret on my dash that was staring me right in the face the whole time. I didn't and I bet you probably haven't either. Quick question, what side of your car is your gas tank? If you are anything like me, you probably can't remember right away. My solution is to uncomfortably stick my head out the window, strain my neck and look. If you don't do this in your own car you definitely have done it in a borrowed or rental car. Well ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to share with you my little secret so you will no longer look like Ace Ventura on your way to the gas station or put your neck at risk of discomfort or injury. If you look at your gas gauge, you will see a small icon of a gas pump. The handle of the gas pump will extend out on either the left or right side of the pump. If your tank is on the left, the handle will be on the left. If your tank is on the right, the handle will be on the right (see photo below).Or, There is an arrow pointing on the side of the gas door [see jpg] It is that simple! I don't know how you feel right now but when I found out this morning I felt cheated! Why don't the dealers share such important information with car buyers? I don't understand why this isn't in the drivers Ed manual? I don't get why any mechanic I have ever been to or know has even thought of mentioning this to me? The only possible explanation can be that all these people probably don't even know!
WRONG. http://www.snopes.com/autos/techno/icon.asp On my Acura MDX, there is no arrow, and the hose is on the right, but the fuel door is on the left.
I think what the original poster was talking about is the little arrow, not which side of the little gas pump icon the hose is on. I've know about it since approx. the middle 90's or so.
Agreed. I'm sure it was the arrow to which they refereed, but it's not what they said in the post. As stated, the post is wrong, but yes, the arrow points to the side with the filler. Tom
It's in the owner's manual. Like eveything else, good like finding it from the Table of Contents or the Index :_>
Gas tank filler, left or right? Here's a better question...why don't the designers decide which side to put it on and make it standard so it streamlines getting filled up!!!
Gas Door My father's 1964 Plymouth Fury had it in the center, hidden by the rear license plate. That made it easy when filling, which was good as it needed to be filled often.
Most people like to fill up on the same side as the cap. This avoids having to drag the hose across the car. If all the caps were on the same side few people would want to fill up on the other side of the pump island. Best if half are on one side and half the other!
I remember reading years ago that the reason the old early seventies Chrysler E-body (Barracuda/Challenger) had the fuel filler on the passenger side was as a safety measure for when they ran out of fuel on the highway. The logic was that someone would be able to refuel away from traffic with the vehicle on the side of the road. Considering that many of those old musclecars had single-digit MPG fuel consumption, it's not that far-fetched of a reason. Maybe some current, large, gas-guzzling SUVs have the fuel-filler on the passenger side, as well. It's also worth noting that some cars have long doors (like the old musclecars) and it's conceivable that having the fuel-filler on the passenger side means that the driver's door would be away from the fuel pumps, making to easier to swing open and get out to refuel. My preference is for fuel door to be on the driver's side, though.
What I don't get is: why did the OP copy the Snopes article so faithfully? Seems like an odd way to get a jolly!
I like my filler on either side or the back. My 1968 Toyota Crown has the filler behind the numberplate. I had a Fiat 850 coupe that had the filler under the engine hood!