Is it me or are the dipped headlights rather dimmer than one might expect? Compared to every other car I have ever owned (Fords, Volvos and Rover/MGs) the Prius's lights seem very weak. Is there a fix for this I don't know about (apart from changing the bulbs)?
Mine seem fine, in fact unless I use the dip adjustment (at least setting 1) I get flashed constantly by other drives who think I am on full beams.
Which lights do you have, regular or HID? The HID lights are very bright, but they also have very sharp cutoffs which limit the amount of light spilling out of the target zone. This is done to keep the lights from dazzling oncoming drivers. If you are not used to this type of lamp, it can feel like it doesn't shine far enough down the road on low beams, even though it is fine. Tom
Even the halogen lights have a very sharp cutoff pattern. I'm assuming by the phrase "dipped" that the poster is from the UK, so no HID's, just like Canada My Prius upon delivery had the headlights adjusted so high that on low beam, transport trucks were flashing their lights, then putting on their extra driving lights. The adjustment is picky, as it is affected by passenger weight. Even the car compression caused by just the driver will mean that if the headlights are adjusted with the car empty, they will be too low with a driver aboard. Add a passenger and they will be far too low
I requested that the dealer check my headlight alignment because it seems much to high. Service writer's response: "It's adjusted automatically by a computer and we don't have any way to change it, so there's no use in checking it." This doesn't give me great confidence in how the dealer might handle a more serious problem. I searched the forum and found a posting of a service manual excerpt on how to check the alignment. I must admit that I couldn't understand the aiming spec. diagram, but even if I could figure it out, I wouldn't know how to make the adjustment. Can anyone who has done this explain it? Thanks.
Sorry I haven't needed to adjust mine. An Auto Electrician should be able to adjust it if it can be adjusted.
If you live in the United States, and have the optional HID headlights, that is partially true. A sensor attached to the rear axle is supposed to compensate for load and adjust the beam. At least in theory. THere is still basic adjustment that must be done correctly, or the HID headlights will either light up the ground right in front of the car, or blind everybody off the road
Since the new forum update, the attachment size has been limited to 19.5 kb for me, so it's impossible to attach a photo. It is my understanding that UK market cars still have the headlight adjustment wheel on the dash. If this law has changed and your headlights are fixed in position, you can try to adjust the headlights yourself I tried to search for the thread that had the photos and detailed instructions, but the new Search feature REALLY SUCKS. Sorry, mate.