To Toyota International Division

Discussion in 'International Owners' started by opita, Dec 2, 2007.

  1. opita

    opita New Member

    Oct 25, 2006
    I don't know if any at Toyota International Division reads these posts. If they do, please pay attention.

    I drove my 2006 Prius from Montana to San Jose Costa Rica. The car performed as expected, and the only problem I had were the tall speed traps in Mexico. Often times I scratched the bottom of the car, but I made it all the way. It was a great ride.

    The problem I have is that now the car is in San Jose, Costa Rica where I have a place to spend the winters.

    Toyota is the number one vehicle sold in this country and there is only ONE adealer. A few days ago, I needed to service this car (15k service) and called the dealer to request this service. I asked how much this will cost. Because they are the only ones servicing these vehicles, they demand a price. And demand they did: they asked me $270.00 for the change oil, filter and tire rotation, an excessive price.

    This, in my opinion, is because there is a single dealer with a protected monopoly.

    Toyota would benefit if more can enter the market. I'm going to sell my Prius because of the high maintenance costs, and I'm sorry I have to do that.
  2. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius
    Opita, anyone can do routine maintenance on your Prius, such as oil and filter changes and tire rotations. Just document the service and your US warranty will remain in force, though I'm not sure it would be applicable in Costa Rica. You would only need the dealer for warranty work or if something broke, which is unlikely in a new car.

    If you look in the international forums, you will find many Prius owners in remote locations that don't even have a Toyota dealer near. Good luck!
  3. opita

    opita New Member

    Oct 25, 2006
    I know. Any one can do it and I found one place where I got it done. But when I need to have some work because of the batteries need work done, where I'm going to go? In CR Toyota is the #1 vehicle. I believe that opening the market for other dealers will be helpful to Toyota car owners and will improve business. Competition is a good thing to have in the market place. BTW, since I took the car out of US and registered it in CR, the warranty is no longer valid. This dealer will not offer me a warranty for this vehicle becuse I didn't buy it from them.