I have a 2007 prius. I got it in April and (driving 90 miles a day to work) now have about 18,000 miles on it. I notice that my gas gauge now falls rapidly. After fillup, the first pip usually doesn't disappear until 80 to 100 miles. I expect that, the sensor is probably not linear. However, the pips used to follow the mileage, e.g., one pip disappearing every 45 or 50 miles. Now, I will get down to a single blinking pip before I refuel and it only takes about 8 gallons. My calculated mileage (miles since last fillup divided by gallons put in) is quite close to my MFD MPG. In the cooler weather now here in NE it is about 45 or so. It's just unnerving to drive only 300 miles, have that single pip flashing and only be able to put in 8 gallons. I am aware of the bladder, sometimes I will even wait a few minutes after it is full to see if the bladder is slowly expanding, then push some more in there, but it doesn't seem to take any more. Any ideas? I'm glad my mileage is good, but wonder where those extra two gallons are hiding Daniel
Hi Daniel, there's nothing wrong with you car, its just that in winter the bladder won't hold as much...... the shrinkage factor an all that... As long as your mileage hasn't gone down, that sounds like the accurate diagnosis here. Its actually bad for the bladder to try and force more gas into it, and that can damage you car. Galaxee has a thread on here somewhere showing the damage overfilling a bladder can do...so be careful.
Also it's a good idea to fill it when you get down to one or two pips, it's remotely possible to run out of gas even when you have a solid pip left.
Makes sense that the bladder is not as pliable and doesn't fill up as much in the winter. Thanks everybody! And YoungOrganist, yes, I realize that you can run out of gas when you do'nt expect to (1 solid pip). I try to be responsible and fill up at 1 solid or two, but don't always make it... Haven't run out of gas (yet..) Daniel
I have had this exact same thing happen to me and I was starting to get worried about it. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one
I've seen this too... Is it also an issue even in climates that are not that cold. It was 75 in Charlotte today -- I had 49.? MPG (via display) 405 miles since the last fillup and I got the blinking pip. I was only able to put in slightly over 8 gallons.
Daniel, Word for word, I an having exactly the same issue as you. I did NOT have this problem last winter. Last four fill-ups with 1 flashing PIP and only 8-8.5 gallons going in and only 300-350 miles since my last fill-up. I question if this is a "tank/bladder" issue or something else. Is the bladder now only holding 8.5 gallons? I am not sure. Still, I do love this darn car....
I don't seem to have this problem. Its been in the 20's and 30's here the last several weeks and I just filled up 9.086 gallons with 412 miles and still one pip (not flashing). (yeah, my mileage is down from my usual 50 MPG in the summer with lots of short shopping trips, cold weather, using the heater and winter gas). I don't know if this makes a difference but when I fill up I try not to shove the filler all the way into the tank ... so the rubber flap on the filler is not flush and is not totally covering the inlet. Isn't there some sort of pressure build up that causes the auto shut off? (I'll probably have someone tell me that what I'm doing is illegal or unsafe now..hah!)