Received a catalog in the mail yesterday from Ebay. In the Hard-to-Find section along with pro football tickets, vintage posters, and vintage Barbie dolls was a Toyota Prius. I hope that the trend of greater delivery numbers increases so that the Hard-to-Find element is OBE. I do like the Prius being in the vintage and classic category where it justly belongs. 04 Salsa Saw 2 white PRII for sale on the local dealer lot yesterday.
Yeah I saw the Ebay catalog about 2 weeks ago. The funny thing is the price it lists for the Pri vs what the actual price that they go for on Ebay.
It's really a dumb magazine promotional tool. Honestly I wasn't impressed and don't forsee them making more $$$ due to the investment. Personally I didn't recieve one so I am curious what criteria of Ebay members they decided should recieve the mailing. My guess is those who don't use their accounts alot to draw more return spending.
Well, in my case, I am NOT an Ebay user but received it probably because we are on the mailing list for numerous other catalogs. I think they were trying to expand into a traditional mail order market and gain new members.
the catalog isnt meant to sell any specific item. its just to attract lookie-loos. they feel that people who start looking on the site will find something to buy. that is the reason the catalog doesnt really post realistic prices since in a real auction setting, that would be impossible.