I'm still about a week away from getting my Prius (which is already bought and paid for), and I've noticed something interesting. Whenever I tell someone that I've bought a Prius, they _all_ say exactly the same thing: "Good for you!" I can't imagine that as an appropriate response to any other vehicle. As in "I just bought a new Camry/SUV/Porsche." "Really? Good for you!" It doesn't work. What do people say to you when you tell them you have (or bought) a Prius?
Where do you plug it in? I am always shocked, 'how much did you pay?' I love telling them, but think it RUDE ' wow I didn't think it was that roomy' Bob Andersen
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(BobA\";p=\"54130)</div> Bob, I can see where that comes from, but I like it when they ask...they're always suprised b/c it's less than they'd imagined b/c by the time they asked I've told them all the features. Besides, it's not like a big secret...they can get on the 'net and find the MSRP in a matter of seconds.
"Excellent decision!" "Where do you plug it in?" "How fast will it go?" "How long did you have to wait?" (6 months)
"Why did you buy a Prius?" "A Prius? cool!" "OMG! you bought a Prius!" (in the good sense) "Ok...I'll pretend I know what it is" (wasn't a car person lol)
Evan, I'm not sure that people are not so in-tune with the internet as we are.. and that not all cars are actually priced at MSRP.. I was just taught not to ask someone how much something cost..
Everyone I work with knows how hard it is to get a Prius. The usual conversation is: "How long were you on the waiting list?" "27 days." "What did you pay?" "MSRP." "I hate you."
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(justwatchme\";p=\"54202)</div> Tell them it is because you think it would be nice if there was still some oil around for them to use when they get to be their parents' age.
Various responses or comments I've encounter are as follows: What kind of Toyota is that? Its a Prius. Whats a Prius? Where do you plug it in? My gosh, it really is a real car! Wow, this is wild! 50MPG? Really?! It really IS big inside. I didn't even hear you coming. And everything still works when the engine is off? Overall, the most positive comments come from kids who think its cool, women just smile, approvingly, and the most questionable comments come from men who are trying to figure out that why their 5.9litre 400HP V8 could be so antiquated. Its as if they lost something, didn't know it and are being advised for the first time. Its always; well, what about this issue or that absolutely impossible situation that will never occur. And my response is; well, what about it?! Their wives or girlfriends patiently console them.
The most common question I got was. "What's a Prius?" By the time I get done answering that, most of them are sorry they asked. Another question I got was, "What are you going to do with your Civic?" That led to a phone call a day or two later and arranging the sale of my Honda a month in advance. Runner-up questions include mileage and how the gas and electric are integrated. Least-common question is about plugging it in. Nearly everyone who knows it's a hybrid knows that you don't.
My Biggest response is " I want to see it when you get it.... followed by "How many MPG" !!! ps. I was out with a friend Christmas shopping and saw a prius in the parking lot. she couldn't believe i was going up to it to look at it. I told her that Prius owner are quite aware that this happens a lot and some-what expect it. people find this car fascinating... Norm.
Don't have my Seaside #4 quite yet, but I have a 2004 Silver as rental to tide me over. The most common questions are about how the hybrid components are integrated. The energy usage display (with the battery and engine and motor) really helps to explain how tightly things work together. (Engineers really think it's cool. 8) ) Then there's the mileage questions. And of course the "how do you like it?", "how much room does it have?", "when are you getting yours and can I drive it?" Eight of us went to lunch the other day. On the way to lunch I had one set of passengers, on the way back I had a different set. Chris
[align=justify][font=Comic Sans MS:4b5b16abde] [/font:4b5b16abde] </span><span style=\'color:blue\'> I haven't got a "Good for you!" Yet. Mostly I get "A What?" And after the demo ride they want to know how long the starter will last with all that starting and turning off so i have to explain all that technology. But I have a toss up question. The Nav system owner's manual pictures of the map screen have pictures of downtown Detroit. Is that in all the books or are the pix different for the different markets? I thought it quite funny actually since Detroit is "The Motor City" and all we have here are Huge SUV's -- Escalades and Navigators and such. Daimler Chrysler (the company from which I am retired) is putting Hemis in everything. Can anyone say DUH!! Kind of in your face funny actually. As the polar ice caps melt....sigh........ Peace, paul
In order of responses received to date: "What a cool-looking car!" "Awesome!" "Is that a Hybrid?" "What kind of fuel economy do you get?" "It's so ROOMY in the back seat!" "Pretty car" "How does it work?" I'm now used to cleaning fingerprints off the side glass ... Note: I have, to date, not received one negative comment.
Around election time I told a very liberal friend of mine that I was going to be getting a Prius and he jokingly asked if I was allowed to own one of those since I'm very conservative. I pointed out that I want a Prius for technolust and economic reasons, not the green reasons, and he thought that was very conservative of me. -- I'm probably going tonight to get in line for my Prius. --
The two questions I get asked the most are: How long did you have to wait for it? and Yeah, but it doesn't have as much power as a normal car, right? (People seem convinced that because it has an electric drive, it should drive like a golf cart. I try to explain the fallacy, but they never seem to believe it until they drive it themselves.)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusenvy\";p=\"54200)</div> [align=center:2f84f08484]:lolup:[/align:2f84f08484] For the first week, I kept getting the same question at least once a day: "Are you going out to lunch? I want to check out your car." I actually talked a couple people into buying me lunch in return for a drive around.