If I have to field the idiotic statements one more time I'm going to scream. "You know, for what you paid extra for that Prius, you could buy a Yaris for a lot cheaper" "You're never going to be able to recoup the extra you paid for that thing" "You can get just as good mileage in a regular car (and then they cite a car that takes Diesel, or one with a manual transmission or a totally non-comparable car)." What really frosts me is that as a woman, these men (since it's ALWAYS men who scoff at hybrids this way) point out stuff that they believe I clearly "wouldn't understand", when it's clear THEY don't understand hybrids at all! :angry: I even had one guy say to me, "Hybrid sales are tanking, you know.." Clear and simply WRONG. So, what kinds of premium options can I ask them about on their bigass Lincoln or H3 that they paid extra for, to then find out how long they expect to recoup the cost on that??? I'd rather know how they justify getting 12 mpg, and continue feeling okay about that. AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH! (Sorry for the rant, I just really needed to find some like minds...)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(barbie.gee @ Nov 25 2007, 09:00 PM) [snapback]544126[/snapback]</div> How about, "I refuse to have an intelligent discussion with an unarmed man." Or, "Do you realize that with the money you spent on that 1975 pickup, you could've spent it on an education so you wouldn't sound like such an IDIOT."
There was an Excel spreadsheet running aroudn this forum that detailed the overall costs between an Aveo and a Prius. The Prius just barely cost less than the Aveo in overall terms. It was pretty well done. Maybe someone can find it.
"uhm for the price of that excursion I could buy 2 prius"... Really what extra cost? Prius is one of the cheapest hybrids on the road. Not to mention it is one of the few hybrid only cars on the road, its not a model that toyota just decided to put a hybrid engine in.. My oppinion is that converted models such as camry, civic, highlander, and Vue do not have the benefits of a hybrid only vehicle.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Nov 26 2007, 12:29 AM) [snapback]544137[/snapback]</div> That is a GREAT come back! To the OP, I feel your pain. 9 times out of 10 I don't respond at all because I don't really care what other people think. The 1 time I do respond, I usually get in some ridiculous conversation about how hybrids really don't save anyone any gas.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Somechic @ Nov 26 2007, 09:06 AM) [snapback]544208[/snapback]</div> i don't get it either,mine listed at $24,500 and gas at or over $3 a gal the money it saves driving it compared to the van it replaced is making at least half if not more of the car payment at fill up
I typically don't respond either. It's simply not worth it. Just ask the person what MPG they actually get. You'll quickly discover they don't have a clue. Their impression of efficiency is based upon just some crude one-time measurement, without taking into account any of the factors of influence we as Prius owners know all too well. Then there's other stuff Prius that is never given any monetary value for. The emission rating is almost always dismissed entirely. The Multi-Display, speedometer, and aluminum rims are ignored, despite all being obvious upgrades. The pleasure from stealth is overlooked. Most are totally unaware of how much smoother the engine in Prius is than that in Corolla. The list goes on and on... In other words, don't expect constructive discussions about hybrids. They are extremely rare. As a new owner, you just have to accept that smug smile that inevitably emerges. It sometimes takes a very long time for others to understand why you've chosen to take that step forward.
Go ahead, scream. Only a handful (if any) number of people have told me idiotic statements like these. People who have talked to me about it genuinely wanted to know the correct details, so they make statements with a question mark. "Isn't it more expensive to buy a hybrid?". So, no screaming for me, yet.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(barbie.gee @ Nov 26 2007, 12:00 AM) [snapback]544126[/snapback]</div> It's rather simple, but here is the one I use that seems to get the point across (subtly, I suppose): Q: "How long will it take you to recoup the extra cost for the hybrid?" A: "I don't know. How long does it take to recoup the extra cost for a leather interior and upgraded sound system?" All it does is get someone thinking about the way they value the purchase of an automobile. The question actually makes a bit of sense if it comes from someone who is looking for the best possible fuel economy for the lowest overall cost. For those folks, a Yaris is likely a better deal. For everybody else in the world, they are buying cars for a myriad of other reasons, and it is important to have them realize there are "valuable intangibles" to the purchase of a Prius. Just as they have placed value on the things they have sought in other cars, I have placed a value on fuel economy, limited emissions and decent performance (with style!).
Just ask them the same question back. Hybrids are pretty much the only car with a return on investment. Any other car has a 0% return. Idiot: so how long until your hybrid gives you back all the extra money you spent on it? you: It may be slowly, but its surly. How about you, how long until your Audi A4 gives you back the extra money you spent on it? Idiot: uhh.... what? you: kthxbye Another thing, that stupid question would only make sence if you were really getting ripped off. If the Prius came as stripped as the el'cheapo Yaris, but still cost $25k, then I could see where people are coming from. But a touring with the highest package comes with just as much features and luxuries as a $50k BMW, if not more. Well, actually yes more, its hybrid! :lol: And it costs only $28k.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ibmindless @ Nov 25 2007, 10:21 PM) [snapback]544157[/snapback]</div> This is the best response yet!!! A new car dealership opened up a week or two ago in Post Falls, ID (20 minutes from me) specializing in selling the Zenn EV. Great little car. DaveinOlyWA just got one. You can read about it in the Other Cars forum here on PC. But the new dealer in Post Falls used to be a Chevy salesman, for 20 years, and he begins his presentation of the Zenn by talking about how the Prius battery only lasts two years and then has to be replaced at a cost of $5,000 and how at car auctions Priuses go for practically nothing because all the owners are selling them as fast as they can because it's such an unreliable car. He then added some technical stuff about how the Prius operates, all of which was completely wrong. I blew my top, told him everything he just said was a lie, told him that I own a Prius and I know how it works. He kept insisting he was right. But most of the people I talk to about the Prius are really interested in learning about the car, and very receptive of what I tell them. Their reason for not owning one is usually that they cannot afford it (they drive an older cheaper car) or else the think they "need" an SUV to tow their boat or take their extended family on vacation. But mostly they accept that the Prius is a great car.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(barbie.gee @ Nov 25 2007, 10:00 PM) [snapback]544126[/snapback]</div> Go ahead scream you'll feel better. I used to hate when people at work would say that crap to me...but I guess all the arguments I was in helped because Someone else bought a Prius. I think its worth the fight.
Sounds like you've got more acceptance issues than simply comments about your decision to buy a Prius. Need to get that guy-thing fixed--we're not going to go away. Sounds like 6th grade politics, to me. Pull your hair and make you cry so they'll get noticed... Simply say something like, "Right now, operational costs are around $.06 per mile compared to your, what? I fill up for less than $30. I can travel twice as far on a tank of gas. Top safety ratings, 100,000 mile warranty, and a re-sale value of (roughly) 83%. What's yours?"
I loved it when I was told I'd never recupe the 2600 over invoice that I paid on my 2004 Prius. I recuped all but 300 of it in fuel savings! Not to mention the fact that I drove 1073.47 miles on two 22 gallons of gas one way and a repeat for the return trip.. They get this blank look in their eyes, I then tell them that I only spend $75 in fuel round trip.. :lol: :lol: (smugness, pure smugness)
Maybe the best way to approach a question like this is to remind them that the hybrid is simply an option package (well, in the case of the Prius, it is the only option). You can get a Honda Civic in several different trimlines, the hybrid is merely one of those trimlines. Ditto that a Camry, you can get a CE, LE, XLE, Hybrid etc. Hopefully, a statement like that will "shift" the way they think and put it in a perspective they understand. I think a lot of these statements you hear are just echoing of what they've heard or read (and haven't put any thought into it). Once you put it in a framework they understand, they may just nod, and move on...... If they persist, you've reduced their arguement to one of personal values and preference and they can't attack someone for that. If they press, you can ask them "So, what car do you drive?" When they tell you, you can ask them what different trimlines were there (these guys will know this, since their cars and car information are typically extensions of their "manhood"). Once you have that information, you can ask the rough price difference between the lowest trimline and theirs, then follow up with asking them how long it will take them to recoup the cost differential between the two. Or even worse, compare what ever they tell you and insert the bottom of the line subcompact from their manufacturer as what they "should" have bought. This ought to drive them nuts.... You: You got a Hummer H2? How long will it take you to recover the Hummer premium? You could have purchased a Saturn Vue..... Him: But, they're not even close to the same car! You: OK, an H3 then, how long to recoup the premium over an H3? Him: But I didn't want the H3, it was too small, I can seat 5 people in my H2, tow our boat and store all our gear! You: Well, I didn't want a Yaris, it was too small, I can seat 5 people and store all our gear (and get better mpg in the process......).
I would play dumb like I've never heard that before. Then ask to see his spreadsheet that shows the hybrid premium to be accurate. Don't forget to remind him to use the Yaris that has 4 doors, alloy wheels, SKS, VSC, ABS, SCABs, MFD display and 2 an extra 2 cubic feet of cargo volume and almost 10 cu/ft of passenger volume, etc.