Did you guys know about the Studebaker electric car? My wife and I visited a carriage museum on Long Island today and they had one on display.. from 1905! The wikipedia web page is attached below. Take a look at the ads as well. However, nowhere in the ads does it state the range of the car. Hmmmm. Enjoy! - Marvin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Studebaker_El...28automobile%29
[attachmentid=12618][attachmentid=12619][attachmentid=12620]Just thought I would add that this electric Studebaker is on display in South Bend, at the National Studebaker Museum. Also, there is a nice display concerning gas prices, etc., with a Prius as a present-day alternative.
Yes, there were early cars that ran on electricity and alcohol. These fuels were abandoned when plentiful, low-cost gasoline became available.
If you are ever in South Bend, the Studebaker National Museum is a very worthwhile visit. I have been in the National Studebaker Drivers Club for many years and my first national meet was in South Bend..Was sorta like going to Mecca for Studebaker collectors Fortunately I got to see the old factory before they started tearing it down.. John