Date Ordered: 11/12/2003 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Carson Toyota, Carson, CA Timeframe given for delivery: 6 months Color: Driftwood Pearl Option Package: BC (2005 #6) Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: ??? Good things come to those who wait. Patience is a virtue. Now that I've said those platitudes.... Well after waiting a year (plus 2 weeks), last night (Nov 29, 2004) I took possession of my new 2005 Driftwood BC. (Driftwood was my second color choice behind Seaside). Apprarently it was an one that wasn't allocated, so down the list we went, until they got to me. I got the call that afternoon from Dianne Whitmire and (fortunately) beat the heavy LA traffic from San Diego to get there. For anyone and everyone who has or had been knocking Dianne... I got the car at MSRP (as promised). The car was equipped (including floor mats, first aid kit, rear bumper applique) as I specified. I remembered to bring the certificate from Toyota so I got $700 off since I was buying an '05. They still had my check (uncashed), so they will now apply it. I got the extended warranty (7 yr/100K miles/0 deductible) for $985 (They quoted initially $1295, but I mentioned the Massachusetts dealer selling it for $985 and they matched it, immediately. No questioning, no arguing). No hard sell at all for any extras, period. 8) I had to pay for the usual things CA requires ($45 doc fee, $227 license fee, $5 tire fee). My initial run so far has been about 130 miles at 48.5 MPG. It's cold right now (yes, it does get cold at night in Southern California in late November) so my mileage should go up next spring. The car operated fine. By the way, the NAV version is 4.2. Car was built in October '04. FYI, if they had sold it at retail, it would have been marked up $6,000. (The sticker for it is in the car). Thank goodness for internet/fleet sales! Small qualm in that it looks like the car is a bit out of alignment. Carson's service area was closed, so I'll go to a local San Diego dealership (any recommendations??) to check it and push up the tire pressure. Thanks to Dianne, Gloria and the good people at Carson Toyota for making the whole thing very pleasurable.
CONGRATS, hum... you are proof that 'It's Worth a Wait'... enjoy your Driftwood.. it is a great color... New car, 10 points for you! Bob Andersen