Hi: Any ideas about how to keep my lovely beige "Ivory" interior relatively soil free? I was thinking of using Scotch Guard; anyone of you have a better idea? How well does the fabric resist soiling, and how easy does it clean up using normal upholstery cleaners? Bob
There's a post in the Files section on Fabric care. I think this is from the upholstry monufacturer. I think the interior is supposed to be pretty stain resistant, but I Scotch Guarded mine anyway.
According to john1701a, the fabric is very resistent as it comes from the factory. Somewhere on his web site he reports a nasty spill that left no trace.
I was concerned about the light interior in my Salsa Red but after doing a little research on Alcantra, the miracle fabric that Toyota chose for the '04 I decided against it. Take a look at the following site and their cleaning instructions. http://www.gulffabrics.com/Alcantara.htm