Hybrid sales continue to do well. The Prius in particular is doing well. Hybrid sales accounted for nearly 2% of the LDV sales in October (1.98%) Obligatory Shiny Graphic Full Article
We're going to see a nice spike as we progress to the end of the year. That $100 barrel (okay. $96) is eventually going to make it's way to the pump. And that is going to spur sales like no one's business. $4.00+ gallon is going to create long waiting lists for the Prius again. That's fine. That just means the aftermarket value of a used Prius will also go up with the demand. I'm fine with that. When gas hits $5.00 a gallon, I may see what the current Prius model has to offer and trade up. If my HOV stickers are still good (until Jan. 2011) I can ask a premium for my used Prius. I don't really *need* the stickers. And a plug-in option might entice me to sell my 2005 with stickers for a new, improved Prius. What do you think? 2009? 2010? Smug? They haven't seen smug yet.
Yes Petrol prices are going up, but not as fast as the US$ is going down. Doesn't that mean that your Prius prices will rise and have a limiting effect on new purchases? Upon reflection, probably not. US Prius prices seem to be fixed by competition with US domestic manufacturing (and other strange commercial/political formulae). That may be why Prius prices in the rest of the world are comparatively higher than just a currency conversion would suggest. In effect we are subsidising low Prius prices in the US. You can send us your thanks in cash, cheques, or Levis -- :lol:
Europe taxes the hell out of vehicle purchases. That's why cars are so bloody expensive there. Don't know about Oz and NZ, but I suspect that you pay more for autos because of taxes. I'll sell ya Levis, if that's what ya need.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(samiam @ Nov 4 2007, 07:04 PM) [snapback]534784[/snapback]</div> You hit the nail, just not the reason behind it... :lol: The truth is, the Japanese Yen is matching US Dollar, not by accident. It is a well know fact that the Japanese are willing to match dollar/Yen exchange rate so that their good to US do not get expensive.
Everyone knows it's cheaper to buy in bulk. Doesn't the U.S. sell more Prii than all other countries combined?
Its not taxes -- (we bought into the pointy-headed free market theories in the 80s, big-time, at great national cost). But I suspect Godiva & dipper are probably closer than I was to the why of it. The importance of the US market means that your prices are kept lower, while the rest of us (even Canada) pay closer to actual cost. I have never seen a Prius ad here in NZ, probably another indication of how important the NZ hybrid market is to Toyota.
dont bet on it. recession is in the rear view mirror and if you cant pay your mortgage, as evidenced by the tremendous amount of foreclosures, you cant be buying cars...
Duty on imported cars here is 10% and the GST a further 10% which applies to all new and dealer used car sales. That's all the tax there is in the price of $37400AU ($34,316.32 USD) for a base model Prius and $46900AU ($43,033.38 USD) for the iTech top of the line, then stamp duty and registration and dealer delivery is on top of that. That's $8600 in tax and duty on the iTech making the tax free price $34400USD! We seem to be subsidising the US and we have RHD just like Japan.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dipper @ Nov 4 2007, 10:23 PM) [snapback]534789[/snapback]</div> Sounds like free trade to me.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(patsparks @ Nov 6 2007, 01:37 AM) [snapback]534880[/snapback]</div> That's what I thought at first too Pat, but I think its more likely that Toyota USA uses other models to subsidise Prius prices and Toyota USA can afford a lower profit margin per unit sold than Toyota AUS, Toyota NZ, etc. The US market is important not only because of its size but for all kinds of social and political reasons also. The images of "Home & Away" actors or Rove McM getting out of their Prii wouldn't provide the kind of news & viral advertising that the Hollywood versions do. More evidence over here on Danny's recent post http://priuschat.com/Toyota-Launches-New-C...ess-t40512.html We don't see anything remotely like that level of advertising in NZ. Do you? (Still waiting to see my first Prius advert in NZ)
Hi folks, I think you' all missed the 'elephant in the room' . . . all USA Federal Tax Credits ended in September but the Prius sales went up, 4.8%. The tax credits had other problems and had already dribbled down to a pittance but now they are GONE. Folks, another hybrid skeptic claim just died the death it so richly deserved. Personally, I think the dealer markup was always scaled to the tax credits. Now that the tax credits are gone, it will be harder, not impossible, for the dealers to markup as a way to transfer the tax credit to their profits. IMHO, good riddance. Bob Wilson
Maybe I'm missing your point Bob. Are you saying price is not a consideration for Prius buyers in the US ?
:huh: :huh: I like what Bob's saying but I'm not sure how it's relevant to the stream of this thread (it's more of a thumb at the noses of the naysayers, but that's a different discussion altogether). Sam, I think market size certainly has something to do with it. I wonder if there are other hidden expenses on your side. I just don't see how the base cost could be so much higher (transportation costs can't be that high). Do the dealerships have to pay taxes on the vehicles (which they then pass on the the consumer)? Seems odd to me.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tripp @ Nov 6 2007, 04:31 PM) [snapback]535252[/snapback]</div> Here's a longish answer Tripp... Nope, there is no import tax, tariff, or duties on importing motor vehicles into NZ (with the somewhat bizarre exception of motor homes and ambulances). (Here's a quick reference sheet on the rules: http://www.customs.govt.nz/NR/rdonlyres/21...9/0/fact29.pdf) All we have to pay is the 12.4% GST (goods and services tax), which we pay on ALL purchases. It costs next to nothing to register and licence a vehicle, and then you get it a Warrant of Fitness (which you do every 12 months or every 6 months depending on age of the vehicle). None of these things adds to the purchase prices advertised by dealers. Which in the case of a base model Prius is $43,650 or $46,500 for an iTech model. The NZD has been averaging about $.76 USD (although it has hit $.84 recently. So that makes a base model Prius $33174 in USD, add 12.5% GST on top and you've got $37,320.75 USD. By way of comparison the base model Honda Civic Hybrid is $35,300 NZD including GST. PC members from other countries have posted even higher mark-ups, and although I'm not familiar with their situations, their higher prices may well be due to higher import duties as you mentioned -- but not here B)
My wife and I stopped in to look at the Toyota Prius and Camry Hybrid and Honda Civic Hybrid. We have not purchase a hybrid yet, even though we indicated that we have a '08 Pruis Touring. We did not continue with the dealer that we started with for the purchase and are now recycling back to buy. What we learned today is that new cars here in Petaluma, CA (North Bay of San Francisco, Sonoma County) are not selling, today at least. Both the Toyota and Honda dealers have a ton of inventory in the Prius and Camry, less so of the Civic hybrid. Some of the other Toyota dealers have over 125 Prius and 30 plus Camry inventory.. A search on Craigslist has a lot of hybrids for resale (or new sales). Camrys seem to be taking a hit with a number of them significantly discounted. There seems to be a fair amount of salvage title Prius on Craigslist, sparking my concern that the Prius tend to be more significantly damaged in accidents. Overall, it seems that the dealers advertising on Craigslist are offering new cars lower priced than private parties trying to sell them used. So one has to wonder if 1) the economy has slowed significantly; 2) the holidays are upon us and car sales of any type are depressed; 3) Toyota has produced a lot of cars and now there is a glut of inventory and new pricing reflect this; 4) Hybrids are not living up to their promise, at least in the larger Camry (and remember the '07 Accord hybrid did not sell well and is not offered in '08); 5) the gas pricing is not hurting as much as reported. Just some observations from today's shopping. Anyone else have confirming or differing thoughts....... tdsoup
I think it's just California that hogs all the hybrids . seriously though, there's still a waiting list up here for TCHs. Prius cars are a bit more readily available with dealers now having a few in stock but you probably still have to order.
Yeap, it all depends on your location. Still have yet to see more than a handful of Pri on the lot here in Texas. Have only seen on TCH that I can remember on the lot.