<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(darelldd @ Nov 16 2007, 12:26 AM) [snapback]540409[/snapback]</div> darelldd, My IE7 does not. Do I need to reconfigure a setting to get rid of live search popping up every time I mouse over them? Not being a computer geek I really am not sure what the solution is, but I never had these until Thurs evening. Only changes I recently made was Windows updates and Adobe flashplayer update, and I'm wondering if one of those changed some settings. Tried blocking intellitxt in Adobe, but it had no effect. I'm at a loss other than using firefox with adblocker at this point. :blink:
Neicy, Interesting you mention Windows updates. I found some of the links go directly to "Windows Live". Looks like Microsoft is try to get their hooks in you. I never do updates. If it works, don't fix it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(darelldd @ Nov 16 2007, 12:26 AM) [snapback]540409[/snapback]</div> How do you get it to do that? If I can't get it to stop this crap, I will go to FireFox, and let Micro$oft know why.
Oh MAN is that form of advertising annoying. I find that sites using it feel both cheap and spammy, and I quickly stop visiting sites that do it! ARGH!! I use Firefox and the config I had running was not blocking it. I do Flash, scripting, and web work so I can't use NoScript or Flashblock... However, AdBlock+ and the "easy list" subscription was just what the doctor ordered (pun intended ). Worked like a charm. Thanks! To anyone else who's even NOT experiencing problems with Internet Exploder, you should still switch to Firefox right away! Having your web browser LESS integrated with your operating system is still a good idea. Maybe some day OS's will only consist of a web browser, but not today, and not under M$.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Nov 15 2007, 09:19 PM) [snapback]540406[/snapback]</div> Sounds like you've got cookies disabled...
Let me go ahead and address the IntelliTXT ads: I was approached by the folks at Vibrant Media to do a trial run of IntelliTXT ads on the site because a couple of OEMs are starting hybrid ad campaigns that they think our users would be interested in. Now, as with all advertising, not everyone is going to be interested in them or even want to see the green underlining in the posts. Instead of being a 100% member-paid forum, PC is supported by the Google ads you see and through your purchases in the PriusChat Shop. I do recognize that a lot of you have requested for some time to be able to donate money to PC in exchange for an ad-free (or at least ad-limited) PriusChat experience. I'm still working toward that, and appreciate the continued emails and PMs I receive from members wishing to provide a donation to the site. So, for now, I'm trying a few different things that will continue to support the site and its future. I can understand if you don't like the IntelliTXT ads in the threads you view, so I've created a quick and easy option for each member to choose whether they want to have IntelliTXT enabled or not. At the bottom left-hand corner of your PC screen, you'll see a drop-down next to the button. Instead of "PriusChat", choose "PriusChat - No IntelliTXT" if you want the green links removed. I hope that's an easy solution to everyone's pain point. Now, I'd like to address ad-blocking programs. I have to agree with one of my fellow webmasters that ad-blocking software hurts everyone. If you want to block ads on big, major sites like the news organizations or places like Edmunds, that's fine with me - they have the readership numbers to make up for the fact that you aren't viewing their ads, but PC doesn't. I encourage any PriusChat user to allow the viewing of ads on this site. We never user pop-ups or annoying flash that has sounds or encroaches onto the content of what you are reading, and we never will. Revenue from advertising helps keep the site going and moving toward a stronger future.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Nov 15 2007, 10:19 PM) [snapback]540406[/snapback]</div> The standard fix for safari is to uninstall it and install firefox. (sorry, I hate safari)
Thanks Danny!!!! I just noticed your note about the Intellitext ads and have shut them off as per your instructions. Also as per your request, I will allow the normal ads to appear. They do not bother me. However, I would still love to be able to buy a subscription to give me an ad-free PC. I suspect that the ads are the reason some pages continue trying to load after all the posts have appeared (but that's just wild speculation).
so Danny, can you tell us the best way to help you out? is this revenue based on views or clicks? or both? or something entirely different?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Danny @ Nov 16 2007, 11:18 AM) [snapback]540569[/snapback]</div> I only use a flash-block plugin, nothing else. It works around half the time. Sorry but Flash ads are offensive to me. I'm glad there isn't any here.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Danny @ Nov 16 2007, 10:18 AM) [snapback]540569[/snapback]</div> Ok Danny, 'because I luv ya' and b/c you offered a means to disable the intellitext, I'm turning off ad blocking for your sites only. Thanks for providing such a simple way to accomplish that.
Thanks for explaining Danny. I'm glad you added the choice to our options. I don't mind ads as long as they are not interfering with my ability to read text and aren't flying across my screen. Most of us understand that you have to try and find a balance between revenue and expenses to run this site, so as Galaxee said, is there anything we can do in addition to buying through the Shop?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Nov 16 2007, 11:51 AM) [snapback]540595[/snapback]</div> With the Google Ads, they are a mix - some ads are based on views (CPM) and others are simply based on clicks (CPC). With the IntelliTXT ads, revenue is based solely on clicks. As a publisher, I cannot advocate you all performing any action that could be construed as click fraud. So, I'll just say that the best way to support the site is to at least allow the Google Ads and if you see something that interests you, check it out and support the folks who choose to advertise on PriusChat. As a big-time Amazon lover (Amazon Prime is the best program ever), I'll be integrating an Amazon store into the PriusChat site in the near future, so if you like Amazon and buy from them on occasion, I would encourage you to click through the Amazon store here on PriusChat to provide affiliate revenue for PC. I knew there was no way to hold back a mutiny if you were leading them, Evan
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Danny @ Nov 16 2007, 01:27 PM) [snapback]540680[/snapback]</div> LOL! :lol:
Thanks for the clarification Danny, and for the quick fix, in spite of how it might hurt your ad revenue. I have a knee-jerk reaction to advertising sometimes, but reading through the thread you linked, I'm calming down about it. I think it boils down to this: From an administrative perspective, Membership fees are hard to institute, hard to manage, and fraught with peril (e.g. pirated logins). Ads are easy to implement, and relatively painless to a site's readership. For those of us who have a problem with the ads, maybe we can do webmasters everywhere a favor by considering allowing ads to load as a form of "membership fee." So I'll gladly turn of ABP and if an ad annoys me, I'll chalk that up to "chipping in." We all have limits though, and whether any of us like it or not, advertising is designed to stretch those limits... web advertising in particular seems to be constantly toeing that line, so keep an eye on what's best for readers. AND, I'd also love to see a "donate to PC" feature, and also would like to repeat my offer of graphics help upon request. [edit] Regarding Amazon... I've heard that one a million times: "consider starting your Amazon shopping here," and I would love to do that for every website that I think is worthy of my support... now if only there were a way to stack all my "start your amazon shopping here" links into one that allowed every site to get credit for the referral I'd be happy!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(paulccullen @ 2007 11 16 06:38) [snapback]540512[/snapback]</div> Yeah, I cranked up the security settings in a vain attempt to make the embedded links go away, but that only caused more problems. Thanks, though. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tripp @ 2007 11 16 08:25) [snapback]540576[/snapback]</div> OK, I suppose a smart nice person like me deserves a cheeky retort. I can take it. A previous computer had nasty issues with firefox, and I liked safari so much better than IE, I just kinda stuck with it. What is it you don't like? Maybe it's time to give the fox another try.
Is it just me, or is the obvious being missed in some way? Instead of slapping more on top of a browser with the intent of seeing less, how about simply running a tighter configuration from the git-go, and disable scripting and flash and such up front? It's a web developer's responsibility to adhere to standards and test their content for accessibility from many platforms and configurations, not their responsibility to dictate what browsers their visitors should run or how to configure them. Yes, I understand that 95% of them have totally lost sight of that, but that doesn't make it right. But honestly, this fluff is indirectly responsible for much of the sorry state the internet is in today, where people give up and leave all their bells-n-whistles enabled by default and then get p0wn3d sometime down the road. It's like driving around with loose suspension bolts -- everything might feel like it's working fine for a while, but eventually the car will fall apart and possibly in a catastrophic manner. . Now, I read PC and such with Lynx, so none of the ads discussion even applies to my normal environment -- does that make me bad with respect to PC's sources of revenue? Still, my point is the same as we are always discussing around here -- do more with less, I'm sure many of you can get behind that. . _H*
having not seen the green ads yet... probably cause they are there and i didnt mouse em... but remember when we COULD donate to PC and on the basis of what we donated we were classified by color...(me platinum i think)... um... well, i dont want anything other than recognition for that... a star by my username would suffice... just a suggestion...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Nov 17 2007, 11:40 AM) [snapback]540927[/snapback]</div> A badge would be nice....... But no Badgers! We don't need no stinking Badgers! Danny! You have been doing an excellent job of keeping PC clean and easy to use. I spend a LOT of time on the web and this site is VERY well run. That being said... the green ads DO seem to be causing hanging of pages. I blocked the ads the hanging went away. Unblocked and the hanging occurred again.... Just something to look at. I was experimenting not attempting to block the ads. Money keeps the place running..... Thank you!