<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fairclge @ Nov 16 2007, 09:11 AM) [snapback]540501[/snapback]</div> Because in Junior's fantasy world, he imagined the invasion of Iraq would go like this: Iraqis: Thank you, America, for freeing us from Saddam! Here! Have all of our oil! Very cheap! Unfortunately, reality got in the way which is why we see 100 barrels of oil.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lefat1 @ Nov 15 2007, 01:27 PM) [snapback]540193[/snapback]</div> Politics has always been a contact sport. However, after the republican neocons went after Bill Clinton hook, line and sinker, elevating bashing to a more popular national sport than church going, I can see where they were going. IT IS FUN to bash the opposition party when they lie, cheat, steal and go for THEIR blow jobs in public bathrooms, then bash them into oblivion. Again, the law of unintended consequences...they think they can drag us down to the lowest common denominator, but there will be no push back. HAH! As I have stated many times, don't limit your bashing to junior since he is just a puppet for the more seriously insane. Bash him and HIS SUPPORTERS just like the neocon playbook says to do against their opposition. (Remember the swiftboating tactic, the placing of democratic members of congress in the basement offices, the railroading of nation-harming bills through congress, etc.) Back to the OP. IMAGINE that we were told there was no money in our depleted treasury (after giving tax breaks to the least needy while actively planning a war), but suddenly, POOF! the checkbook opens for wasting TRILLIONS of dollars on the wrong target, while there are an increasing number of people in this very country without housing, food and medical care. This once-generous nation can't begin to meet international levels of support once a hallmark of a caring nation and needed by whole nations of less fortunate populaces. When Hillary begins her reign I hope she raises taxes to such a severe degree that she can pay back junior's war in one year, then continue that tax to raise our national surplus back to what her husband left us with PLUS INTEREST, then keep those levels of taxation to provide us all with single-payer national health care like all other industrialized nations. Unless Hillary gets that wolf-in-sheeps-clothing Dianne Feinstein as her vice, then the neocons can rest easy that they won't get stepped on, and they can continue to rape and pillage our nation's treasury and national psyche.
MarinJohn, If you hate America so much, freaking move. I am not Republican or Democrat, but I am tired of everyone saying how horrible things are in America. Try somewhere else where you wouldn't have near as many freedoms as you enjoy here. For instance, Iran has excuted over 200 people by public hanging this year alone and the worst part is it a good portion of them are hung for "crimes" like sodomy (what do you want to bet lesbians don't get hanged, every photo I have seen is all men!) and they hang the people by lifting them up on industrial cranes (no broken neck to keep you from feeling at least some of the pain). SO, the next time you wanna cry how bad it is here in America take a good long look around the rest of the world and then think a minute about how lucky you are to have people who were willing to die so that you could complain about how horrible it is here. Raise taxes even more? Yeah, that's a great one too. No thanks I would just as soon decide where the money I earn gets spent instead of letting some politician decide that for me. And just in case you are too diluted to realize this ... all politicians are liars and will do whatever it takes to gain more power and control over your life in one way or another.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ichabod @ Nov 16 2007, 10:00 AM) [snapback]540497[/snapback]</div> Well said, Ichabod. lefat1~ How long has your signifigant other had that condition? I dont see the humor in posting her pic and adding the L's to it... <_< :lol: :lol: :lol: Although I must say this thread isnt as good as a Burritos baited trolling thread, But keep following in his footsteps and you'll get there.... :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hycamguy07 @ Nov 16 2007, 12:46 PM) [snapback]540638[/snapback]</div> Good to see voices of reason prevailing a bit.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Nov 16 2007, 06:39 AM) [snapback]540471[/snapback]</div> Probably because the arguement would go something like this: "Bush is seeking $196 billion for the wars for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1. Democrats who control Congress want to attach a troop pullout plan to the funding bill for the war but lack enough votes to pass the measure in the Senate. The White House has warned that Bush would veto any bill with such conditions." . . . " Bush accused Democrats of trying to micromanage the war. 'We do not need members of Congress telling our commanders what to do,' he said." Article ==> http://www.reuters.com/article/asiaCrisis/idUSN16417561 So either the Dems blindly and unblinkingly agree to spend as much money as our Commander and Chief says to or they are micromanaging, anti-military, surrender monkeys. Those are my words but very close to what I've seen some people on this board use to describe Dems.
But... But... It's not about MONEY...it's about the TRIUMPH OF GOOD OVER EVIL!! Right...??? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hycamguy07 @ Nov 16 2007, 12:46 PM) [snapback]540638[/snapback]</div> Q: What do you call a woman who can suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch/a tennis ball through a garden hose? A: Darling!!
the humor is her laughing at bush kissing another man , but if you like here is a better shot of "my sig other"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Washington1788 @ Nov 15 2007, 12:43 PM) [snapback]540165[/snapback]</div> Well, at $20,000 for every family in the U.S., that would be a lot of abortions and drugs. The fact is dubya signed us up for at least $4 trillion on this cesspool.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lefat1 @ Nov 18 2007, 02:49 PM) [snapback]541242[/snapback]</div> Monica :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MarinJohn @ Nov 19 2007, 12:39 PM) [snapback]541566[/snapback]</div> Funny :lol: Here's one for you. I know what you cant call her....... HILLARY :lol: OBVIOUSLY!
I'm still waiting for the media or some candidate to tie the cost of the Iraq war with the state of the economy and the big budget deficit. Fact is, we can't afford to continue to pour money into that country. Obama is the only candidate I've heard who has said anything like this.