Picked up new black Prius from dealer tonight. 6 week wait at MSRP. I've been reading this board for awhile and appreciate all of the tips and advice that I have received. Dealer said that supply was improving and that he actually had one Prius in stock for the first time in a long while.
Congratulations! I'm hoping to join your ranks in the next 3-4 weeks. I alse feel that the "waiting lists" have a certain percentage who: will buy another car while waiting, are duplicates from being on more than 1 list, Are semi-committed, but may not buy when their name is called. This in conjunction with a higher allotment will mean a period of little or no waiting for a larger group. Then of course, hopefully latent demand will pick up as well as new demand from the rest of us preaching the good word about this car and we will see demand outstrip supply yet again. Not to mention the good value of this car will be even more evident when the new hybrid models come in at $35-50K. Tell your friends the best time to buy will be now through Spring / Summer 2005. Then again, I may be wrong. - Jim
Congratulations!! arty: It is good when you get your Prius. You will have up and downs but slowly you will figure it out.
Congratulations Ozzy! Hopefully you have found Evan's document on achieving (or not) the EPA MPG. In my opinion, the winter months is the best time to take delivery of a Prius. These are the hardest months to get really good MPG numbers. But it's like atheletes training with weights on their legs, once the weather warms up, you'll be raking in those high numbers. Post pictures and numbers when you get them. Welcome to the cult of Prius!
CONGRATS, ozzie... would you share where the hidden dealership is...inquiring minds...blah, blah.. :lol: Bob Andersen