Anyone try kit? Also, on the fence

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by kschmohl, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. kschmohl

    kschmohl New Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    Between N-VA and WV
    Hello All,

    I really could use some input and guidance here... I am a soon to be Prius owner... sold my heavily modified WRX Wagon (345 horses) for this little "gizmo" and since there is no Priu's on the lots to look at I have some questions.

    Well, I ordered a Prius about a month ago (it will be in end of Dec.) without Nav and now I am comtemplating changing my order from the mid grade package to the fully loaded package. What I would like to know is this...

    Is the 9 speaker JBL system nice? I mean, is it a big difference over the stock 6 speaker system? Does the 9 speaker system have a subwoofer?

    Also, is the navigation really worthwhile? I mean, it seems really cool from what I have read but I guess I want some justification from you out there who have it as to whether it is or is not worth the extra dough. (If you could go back and do it again would you order Nav?)

    LAST thing... I am getting XM for this car as soon as it comes in and I have been doing some research on what is out there and price. From what I see PriusXM and Coastal seem to be the two big players. PriusXM is extremely ridiculously priced IMHO and Coastal seems to be there better way to go. HOWEVER, as of recently I have been reading the posts and XMfanstore has popped up. The seem to offer everything you need to install on the car for $100. This is a GREAT savings compared to $299 or even $255 from

    I wrote XMfanstore about whether or not there units works with the Prius and this is their reply:
    We're not working on anything personally, however I have heard from
    customers that the Prius uses a Pioneer radio, and the XMDirect for Pioneer works with the Prius:

    I have yet to verify this information, so I am not sure how accurate it is.


    Ok, so can anyone clarify or give some input on this... I mean $100 vs. $255 or $300 is a NICE cost savings... money that can be used for tint or something...

    Any and all help would be appreciated... Thanks!

  2. priusenvy

    priusenvy Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Silicon Valley, CA
    2005 Prius
    I don't know what the stock system is like. The JBL system is not impressive, probably the worse "premium" system I've ever heard, but I no longer care enough to replace with an aftermarket system. I find it adequate.

    I was originally going to take any package just to get my car sooner, but I decided to hold out for a BC (didn't take any longer). I'm glad I decided to get the Nav system - I use it far more than I ever thought I would. I use it to find restaurants in unfamiliar cities, and it's great to hit the "Info" button on a listing to call the restaurant and make a reservation.

    You're confused. PriusXM's price is $4 less than Coastal Etech.
  3. kschmohl

    kschmohl New Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    Between N-VA and WV
    Hey Danny,

    Thanks for giving me your input on the Nav system, much appreciated! I get lost very easily and live in an area where there are SO many roads that getting lost is nothing new for me.

    As for the stereo system that is EXTREMELY dissappointing... I mean there are so many good stock systems from the dealerships today (Ford Mach 1000 is sweet) that I wish the Prius could have been nicer. Oh well... this is a big let down but I guess that is life.

    As for the price correction, thanks... I was only going off posts I have been reading. I am still interested in seeing if the $100 route would work... I mean really, if their hardware IS a match it is just installing... just would not mind saving $150+.

    So, any other input from the folks on the board?

  4. rmm20

    rmm20 New Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    If you get the Prius without NAV, forget PriusXM and other sellers of
    Toyota (Pioneer) tuners. They are truly integrated with the MFD
    and require the JBL radio - part of the NAV package.

    If you get the NAV package the Toyota XM tuner is worth the
    cost difference for the full integration. My opinion.

    After my wife heard XM, I got stuck getting her a unit for her
    Sienna. I got the Delphi SkyFI2, which is usable both in her car
    and in the house. More features than the Pioneer, but not
    "integrated" with the car controls. Both good units.

  5. randalla

    randalla Member

    Jan 22, 2004
    Lexington, SC
    2012 Prius v wagon
    That's not true, Robert. I bought and installed Jon's PriusXM integrated system that displays through the MFD. My car is a package 7 with no NAV system. Install time was about 3 hours with the assistance of Jon's instructional DVD. I also have the Sky-fi in my home but decided against using it in the Prius since I wanted the clean appearance and operation of a fully integrated system.
  6. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    Detouring & auto-rerouting off I-81 this weekend for 20 miles because of holiday backup was worth something much more valuable than money - time. We probably saved a good hour off the trip, which meant getting home at 11:30pm instead of 12:30pm or later.

    Even if I had never used the NAV system before last night, or never use it again, it was well worth the cost just for last night alone after driving for 8+ hours and wanting to be home. :)

    As far as the XM decision, I went with PriusXM before XMdirect came out. I know both Coastal & PriusXM come with instructions (printed, and on dvd respectively) - and without that I would've been too afraid to find out how to remove any of the car panels or where to run the wire. However today there is a good deal of info on what to do alone on this site, so maybe XM direct would be all you need - but I'm not sure. Perhaps call around and see if any Best Buy, Circuit City, or other car install places have put the XM direct kit in a new prius, find out how much they charged/how difficult it was/etc.

  7. rmm20

    rmm20 New Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    I stand corrected - I really thought the JBL upgrade replaced
    the radio too. The XM tuner plugs into a matching receptacle
    on the back of the radio.

  8. Eisenson

    Eisenson New Member

    Jan 14, 2004
    San Diego, CA
    2004 Prius
    Regarding XMDirect compatibility with Prius/Toyota/JBL, etc., repeated pings on Crutchfield and Terk (the maker) produced only "we're checking". Even if it works, it's not integrated with the voice commands or steering wheel buttons.

    I installed Coastal's edition in a friend's car and strongly recommend those folks - even if it's just for the relationship as a customer. That is the fountain from which flows all the Prius goodies, and they're terrific (no, I don't work there!). With respect to Jon, he's a one-trick pony (XM), and the Toyota partspeople can't even spell "Prius" properly.

    Whether Coastal, Jon, or one of the Toyota parts suppliers, you will be buying a kit made for the Solara. It's 100% compatible with the Prius, but the short antenna lead means you must install the radio in the trunk or in the glove box with the antenna on the dash, up forward. In southern latitudes or cities with terrestrial repeaters, the dash works fine. I posted a "10 minute install" here.
  9. kschmohl

    kschmohl New Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    Between N-VA and WV

    So, from what I am gathering is that:

    #1. Go to delaership and change my order to Nav, suck up the cost, because in the long run it will save me time and money.

    #2. This XMdirect being offered from would work with the Prius and should be fully integrated like other units sold from Coastal, PriusXM, etc.

    I definitely would be interested to know if someone has gone the XMfanstore route though, I mean, just some "proof in the pudding" you could say.

    As for having Best Buy or any of those monkey's do the work I have my doubts... I had my car at Circuit City once to get an alarm put in about 10 years ago and that was the last time I ever went back... just a really poor job in my opinion. All of the stereo work after that has been done by my friends or brother... I got some smart folks, just directions always help. If the equipment XMfanstore is the same as Coastal or Prius XM I could use their directions... just not sure if the equipment is exaclty the same. Any thoughts?

  10. priusenvy

    priusenvy Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Silicon Valley, CA
    2005 Prius
    A comment on non-integrated XM radio solutions: I picked up a Delphi MyFi at Circuit City this weekend, mainly for home/office/portable use, but also to use in my other vehicle, which only has a single-CD head unit (no aux inputs, no cassette).

    The sound quality using the MyFi's wireless FM transmitter is horrible. Supposedly the quality using a wired FM modulator is better, and the cassette adapter is even better than that. I found the sound quality using the line out to be acceptable. On a Prius you can always use the cassette adapter and not have to use the FM transmitter, but beware on other cars where you have to use the FM transmitter. The sound quality sucks!

    I may be able to wire some aux inputs into the CD changer controls on my other vehicle, but I really didn't want to have to spend any time or money on a vehicle I rarely drive.
  11. kschmohl

    kschmohl New Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    Between N-VA and WV
    My only "beef" with cassette adapters is the same thing we all experienced in the last 80's with ourportable CD players we hooked up into our cassette players back then... after awhile the cassette deck went south and kep "flipping" the tape which meant interuption from CD player... sigh, I remember that all too vividly.
  12. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusenvy\";p=\"53582)</div>
    Not to hijack the thread, but how is the MyFi? I covet it, not that I really have a use of it to warrant the $350 pricetag - Just will have to settle on upgrading my work Skyfi to a Skyfi2. :)

  13. rmm20

    rmm20 New Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    Circuit City got me too on the SkyFi2 - $99 on sale.

    Mixed results on the FM transmitter - in the car it was really pretty bad
    and we wound up using the cassette tape adapter. Signal would drop out.

    In the house, the FM transmitter works wonderfully - both on the family room receiver (about 3 ft distance) and on the bedroom radio in the room above (maybe 15 feet through a floor). Wireless connection is
    so good there was no temptation to hard-wire it.

    Range is extremely limited - 15 feet through a floor is about the limit.
    It does not cover your entire house.

    Note: XM signal reception is far better if you put the XM antenna outside,
    mounted on the house wall.

  14. priusenvy

    priusenvy Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Silicon Valley, CA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rflagg\";p=\"53599)</div>
    It's a pretty cool toy. I'm currently using it in a location where there are a lot of terrestrial repeaters, so drop outs, even indoors are not a problem. I get maximum signal strength in my office without even having a satellite antenna hooked up.

    The price is a bit steep, and considering that I am not getting what I consider acceptable sound quality in my non-Prius car, I feel I'm not getting the full functionality from it. Some people have reported battery and reception problems with it on the forums. I don't have those problems, just crappy sound in my Jeep.
  15. kschmohl

    kschmohl New Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    Between N-VA and WV
    Ok, UPDATE:

    Ryan at wrote me back and said the Prius owners have bought this system, he asked them to check back in, but they never did so he has no real "proof".

    I suggested he work a deal out with me that I would try it in my vehicle and would document the steps for installation for a price cut or a free unit. This way there would be no question whether or not it did work.

    The first thing I would do is to compare the unit vs. a Coastal or PriusXM unit... I mean, see if they hook up the same, etc... I mean, it SHOULD ffed through the touch screen but who knows I guess... I am not sure if this is a smart thing to try on my end, but I would THINK XMfanstore would be REALLY interested to know because there unit price is so cheap they could really sell some of these things if it did work.

    I was wondering if anything "special" was done in the creation of the Coastal and PriusXM vs. what XMfanstore has... also, I saw Metro unit too: (no instructions though)

    Anyway... any thoughts... ???
  16. priusenvy

    priusenvy Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Silicon Valley, CA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kschmohl\";p=\"54020)</div>
    I doubt it will work, but would love to be proven wrong.

    The adapter in question converts from Pioneer's IP-BUS, used by their Sat-ready head units, to the signal required by the universal tuner. If this worked with the Prius audio system, that would mean you could just use Pioneer's regular $149 XM tuner with the Prius too, as it uses the IP-BUS. I haven't heard of anyone trying that and succeeding.

    Even if you did get it to work, would you be willing to live with the limitations listed here (last article on page):

    Pioneer XM Tuner and SCION factory radio

    I'll pay the $200 extra for the fully integrated unit.
  17. kschmohl

    kschmohl New Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    Between N-VA and WV
    Oh forget that... man, that would be HORRID... something tells me I will be giving Coastal or Prius XM a call... I might even try the Metro unit too: (no instructions though) since this is SUPPOSEDLY backed and OK'd by Toyota... however I am concerned about the install.

    Speaking of install... what are the REAL differences between Coastal and Prius XM? I mean, are they pretty much the same or what is their differences? I would ask about the Metron one but I am not sure if anyone has gone this route...

  18. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    MetroPN - XM unit, no instructions - use the ones here on PC (use Search)
    Coastal - XM unit, printed instructions
    PriusXM - XM unit, DVD installation video that supposedly makes it an easier install that it nomally is (and it's normally very easy from what I understand)
  19. rmm20

    rmm20 New Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    This is worth repeating: PriusXM sells their installation DVD
    for $29.00 and about $4 postage. Since you are taking out much
    of the Prius dash, I advise getting the PriusXM DVD no matter
    who you get the tuner from. Working on the dash is not
    for the faint of heart (my MFD was in the back seat),
    and the step by step video helped a lot.

  20. rmm20

    rmm20 New Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    One more note (subject to correction) - PriusXM, Coastal, and Metro all
    use the same Toyota kit designed for the Solara. It is a Pioneer
    XM tuner. The tuner cable plugs into a matching connector on the
    back of the radio. Go with a merchant you like.
