I've been reading through a lot of the posts, and noticed that most of the posts are made by men. Do we have any stats on the percentage of female PriusChat members?
According to the little symbol which identifies the gender of the message author, there is a fair number of androgynous posters here. :lol:
my symbol is male... but the owner of my car is female.. my wife the LOVELY Sherry.. :mrgreen: Bob Andersen
I am male. And single. But if I had a wife I'd buy her a Prius, or any other car she wanted. Well, within reason, that is. Maybe not a Hummer or a Ferrari. But then, a woman who wanted a Hummer probably would not want to marry a tree-hugging anti-war socialist like me.
I don't doubt that many Prius drivers are female; I was just noticing that not many members of this chat room are female.
sad I guess you'll have to start a thread 'Prius Girls Unite'... I know there are lots of lady owners or wait-ers... they will show up... maybe bashful about saying anything... Bob Andersen
Actually.... I don't know the statistics for the 2004/5 Prius, but I read about the statistics for the 2001/2003 Prius in a University of Toyota handout... I don't have the specific numbers, but I recall that the average Prius driver is 52 years old, by a slight margin is a woman, has a 65% chance of having a child over 18 years old, is likely to be married, is 80% likely to have a college degree, and makes around 85,000 dollars a year. I am not sure if this has changed much for the 2004/5 Prius. I can tell you that these numbers are very similar to the average Toyota consumer; however, the Prius driver on average has more education and makes more money. I believe the reason we see more men on Priuschat.com is that more men tend to use computers and internet chat rooms...**DISCLAIMER** (that's just my experience... that's not necessarily the truth, but just my observation....) It goes without saying the Prius drivers are savvier and cooler than other drivers too :wink:
<------ ME! Seriously though, most women who do own Prius are most likely also the type that wouldn't be interested in a group like this. I don't really fall into the classification. Hmm... 24 single with college degree.
I don't know about you, but doesn't the fact that she doesn't want to drive it make her perfect? There's been "spousal arguments" about MPG and such, and I'm one of those that only likes myself to drive my car.
Wow! Those Prius stats are pretty bang on for me. [I don't have a child but I have several college degrees, so that probably balances out.] Your observation about more men using computers and chat rooms may be right. This is my *first* chat room, and among my girlfriends, I'm considered a bit of a computer geek. (It's all relative.) My dad used to LOVE new techno toys. Back in the mid-60s, we had one of the first xerox-type machines. It printed white on black. He bought a dune buggy when I was in high school. It was a stick shift, so he wouldn't let me drive it. (Or teach me to drive it. He did, however, teach my younger brother. He was a bit of a sexist.) He did let me drive the 8 year old 1960 corvette convertible he bought. In fact, he let me drive it for the summer. But when I left home to go off to college (15 minutes away), I had to give it back. I drove it one more time over Thanksgiving vacation, at which point I had a minor accident and totalled it. (Those fiberglass bodies shattered pretty easily.) Sorry to trail off on memory lane. My point is that my dad would have LOVED the fact that I'm getting a Prius.
Another female here! Also 26, unmarried, without kids, with 2 cats & a college degree in a pear tree.
Just by observation around here (western Washington) it is near 50% driving Prii. I would guess the 50+ is very close but I would have guessed closer to 40. The college education bit I would accept. I have talked to some folks with less education and I get the impression that they see a car like the Prius as a collection of gadgets that are likely to break. I think it is a lack of understanding and comfort with old technology. Many do not understand the degree to which their older car is computerized. I think lots of folks still have the impression they can fix their own cars, with a wrench, screwdriver and a pair of pliers if they ever wanted to get "into it".
your stats for the Prius needs to be updated. they are mostly right but the 2004-05 model have dropped the average age a lot. realize that the country is getting older to begin with so average age of all drivers has risen over the past several years passing 30 for the first time. i saw that the average chat user was female, 35-50, married with children, and worked fulltime. women outnumbered men 3 to 1. but on forums, the ratio is 60-40 men. at work we communicate through IM programs since making phone calls or personal visits are usually too inconveinent. i can say for sure that women do use chat much more . i have a tendancy to build up my conversations and let em out on my break or by detouring on my way back from the coffee pot. easier for me and i do enough typing now as it is.
Damn I hate being a statistic :x We went shopping for a new truck for my wife to use as a work vehicle. I suggested that since the Tacoma was a possible we should improve our knowledge (meaning I wanted to look) and test the Prius and the Honda hybrids. We did, but Prius was hard to get so continued truck shopping. Found a Nissan Fontier with zero options, just the kind of vehicle my Luddite wife would like. Getting her to commit was like pulling teeth. She was waiting for the phone call from Toyota. Deposit placed on Frontier. Phone call from Toyota. Frontier deal undone. She loved the Prius from the very moment she got into it and could not stop talking about it. So, yes, she fits the profile that Flyingprius quoted from the University of Toyota almost perfectly. The reason I am here and not her is because she could give a flying fig about any kind of technology. She is a luddite with a capital L. She comes home from work swearing a blue streak about all the **** emails that are in her inbox that she has to delete...
I guess i'm one of few, Single, 20, male. No college degrees. No kids. Any single females around my age on here? lol
[align=center:ef226a4c91][font=Comic Sans MS:ef226a4c91]Guys rule!</span> <span style=\'color:blue\'>[font=Tahoma:ef226a4c91]Girls drool![/font:ef226a4c91] :bootyshake: [/align:ef226a4c91]
I would have to agree that most of the females who find ourselves here are going against type. Although the Prius appeals to many of us because of its techie bling, the non-posting female probably loves not having to think about how it all works. Personally, although I'm definitely in it for the geek factor, I'm also somewhat of a throwback and will miss the ability to dink around under the hood... not that I ever really did much besides help my dad, but it was nice to know what needed to be done. I'll tell you what I miss the most though... stick shift. I can't complain about the efficiency of the automatic transmission, but driving stick was just so much FUN.
I certainly break those statistics. I'm female, 22, single, college degree, make WAY less than $85k... But I love forums. Then again, my job field is often classified under computer science so that might make me the exception to the rule... _________________ www.cristinmckee.com