I was getting ready for work this morning when I stopped cold and listened to the news on the alarm clock. The oil industry is expecting price hikes over the summer months this year to hit new highs for the US. They are predicting prices as high as $2.70 per gallon for the DFW metromess. The usual supply problems vs. demand excuse was given for the expected price hikes. It looks to me like VW will once again be selling out their entire allowed allotment for their TDI cars again this year, as should Honda with their hybrids, and Toyota's waiting list should get that much worse. :roll: The classified ads should be quite interesting this summer if these predictions hold out. :tomato:
Read "The Party's Over" by Richard Heinberg http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/086...3769473-7699241 It's gonna take more than a few hybrids to get the world on an even keel.
What does this mean for security for our Prii? Some of us, maybe most of us, don't have garages. I'm counting on the rarity of the car, strangeness of startup procedure, and difficulties of "hotwiring", along with good street lighting, to protect my car. If fuel prices get that high, can we expect a wave of Prii thefts, or are we still protected somewhat by being so few in numbers? Bob
JBC is right about Prii not saving the world. No one will argue that we are NOT running out of oil. What is argued is how fast we are running out. "The Party's Over" paints a stark, disturbing picture of the future. What is too bad is that we have essentially wasted so much oil in the last 70 years on the automobile when other transit modes existed (and exist) which are so much more fuel efficient and environmentally sound. There is never an energy "free lunch" and entropy, unforntunately, reigns supreme. I drive as little as possible (even in my Prius) and take mass transit, bike or walk whenever I can.
:cussing: Hopefully, I can get mine at Vandergriff before gas gets that high. The 4 people in front of me on the waiting list need to get there car somewhere else!! Manny in Arlington Salsa 9 Day 56
I'm thinking that it'll have less to do with the security of the car as these are simply not going to be able to be started without the fob. The worst owners would be looking at there, is if there becomes a large market for cheap parts, then the chop shops will become interested. I'm thinking that the waiting lists are only going to get longer at the dealerships, if these price predictions hold true.