The list of Acronyms is seriously lacking. Any way to add to this list? Stuff like DRL, ECM, HSD, and a bunch of others I can't think of right now should be in there.
I'd be happy to add them to the knowledge base list. Can you tell me what those are? (ECM is electronic control module?)
Here's a couple that have gotten me... MFD - just figured out means Multi Functional Display? what about FOB? Can't find that in the manual at all.... I know what is being talked about, but not what the actual acronym is.
I just figured out you're talking about the Acronyms link on the board navigation box. Try the Knowledge Base article - it's got a pretty decent listing - Acronym Glossary
fob isnt an acronym. that is the actual word for the electronic module or "key" for your car. for most other cars its the remote lock/unlock control.
Myself & Evan can add these. I'll continue to add to the list as I get time. Thanks for reminding me about that KB article, Cybele.