Picked up my Zenn yesterday. So not much to report yet as haven't had much of a chance to drive it much. Did do one trip to work and back. will report more later as i learn about its reliability and what not. here is a few pics.
Cool! And welcome to the world of electric driving. Do let us know how you like it, how it handles on hills, what your range is, etc.
will be posting as much details as possible. to keep from getting the information buried in a very long post, will actually create new threads titled by either miles driven or days owned. as far as new details goes. i got it for $14.500 which includes a discount for being in the ambassador program. deluxe pack battery upgrade remote door lock heater/defrost stereo 35 mph motor initial impressions so far (have driven it less than 20 miles so far so not a lot to say yet) although its a 35 mph motor, its obvious that its really geared to about 32 mph because even the slightest hill will cause it to slow down to 32. however on flat ground it does do 36 mph and up to 37 mph on downhills. even on relatively steep uphill climbs speed only drops to 28 mph (thought for sure it would be much lower) as for quiet. the car is not sound insulated at all, the motor makes a high pitched whine similiar to the car in "Back to the Future" as far as standing out. i have taken it to work and back once and a trip to the store and now i know what a celebrity feels like when they are being chased by the paparazzi... had this girl in an SUV pacing me staring at the display on her cellphone in an attempt to get a pic of me... scary because she was DRIVING too. got several thumbs up on my cruise thru the Safeway parking lot and trip to chinese restaurant to meet family for dinner last night as well.
Super cool! What did you pay, what is the expected range, etc? Is there a Zenn.com? I'll check. [Edit] The Zenn is a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) with a 35 miles range. BTW, who are the goobers in the picture? :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Nov 10 2007, 03:18 PM) [snapback]537796[/snapback]</div> that is me and Bob, father in law. expected range is 35 miles after break in. currently, its about 25 paid $14,500 i did get 35 mph motor upgrade, radio, power door locks, heater...basic stuff. i can still play ipod on car speakers so im happy.
Cool Dave!! I didn't even know you were looking into Zenn's. So what is the quality of it like?? Washington must be a 35mph ok state right? (I think so far it I remember right it's Washington and Montana) My Gem is super super quiet. I wouldn't want it to be making a screeching noise. One of the best thing about it is how quiet it is at all times! Do it feel like your driving a regular vehicle? Get used to the attention. You will get a TON of it all the day. (It's lots of FUN B) ) Did you join the Zenn yahoo group yet? If not you should!
sweet! Congrats Dave! How long does it take to charge? 4 hours? Can we plug it anywhere? (I recall seeing a 110V plug but wasn't sure)
That is awesome! I cannot wait till they extend the range and speed so more people will buy them. The capability of 45mph and 50mile range might sway more people in my area because Sacramento is sooo spread out.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(F8L @ Nov 11 2007, 09:47 AM) [snapback]537967[/snapback]</div> I really think that 50 mph is pushing it too far for these little cars. I know someone who drove a Zenn and said it felt less stable than the Xebra, and at 50 mph in the Xebra (just once, downhill) mine was really scary. 40 mph feels fine. To push the speed much beyond what these cars do now, in my opinion, requires a "real" car, which is why I want an EV that's a "real" car, and not merely an upgraded Xebra or Zenn.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Nov 11 2007, 10:54 AM) [snapback]537991[/snapback]</div> Good point Daniel. Crash worthiness would be another consideration. 50mph is very unsafe with regards to our bodies coming to a complete stop.
i would like it to top out at 40 because mine tops out at 36 now but even small inclines i drop to 33 mph. but even on steep hills i dont go below 26 mph... so i figure if it tops out at 40, i can maintain 35 on small grades that is all i want. to be honest with ya, i would not like to do 50 mph in that car. i got the tires inflated to 45 psi (max is 51 and thinking about going up) the brakes are manual. besides the driving i will be doing in the car, i will only see a need to go over 35 mph for short stretches if at all. most of it will be in the 20-30 mph stop and go. this should help boost my Prius mileage because up till now, those short jaunts were hurting me a lot. as far as checking out the yahoo group, tracy, that is a good idea and will definitely do that
Dave, I suspect that your top speed is governed electronically. But your speed up hills is limited by the low power of the car. Thus, raising the governed maximum speed would not give you any more speed on hills. My Xebra slows down a pretty fair amount on hills also. I try to avoid heavy-traffic hills, but I can't always do that.
You should get a tshirt that says "Now & Zenn" <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(F8L @ 2007 11 11 11:02) [snapback]537995[/snapback]</div> True, but after you've been that fast on a bicycle, just about any enclosure feels comparatively safe. Yes, I know, if my unprotected head hits anything solid at over 14 mph, I'm dead. I figure any faster just means the pain will be over that much quicker.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Nov 16 2007, 08:54 PM) [snapback]540813[/snapback]</div> Brilliant!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tideland Prius @ Nov 16 2007, 09:50 PM) [snapback]540835[/snapback]</div> well trivia question... what does ZENN mean? i will post answer in about an hour or so. i am also in process of figuring cost, savings, thoughts for first week, etc. will start another thread for that
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Nov 17 2007, 07:59 AM) [snapback]540919[/snapback]</div> VERY GOOD!! yes a Zenn is a french car by way of Canada. its european styling is obvious due to the ashtray that is provided. although with cup holders, that does go against europen styling a bit... but they are small cup holders. more for cappacino then anything as far as no emmisions, it would be very little. my electricity used is 58% hydro, 21% coal, the rest is solar, wind and 6% natural gas... so very little emmisions... NOTE.... the coal is ONLY used for peak demand from 2PM to 7 PM. i charge very little at that time. *edit* as far as the no noise... well.... at 35 mph, the motor is turning at about 17,000 RPM... it is not very quiet... but the stereo still prevails so not bad and i can still carry on a cellphone conversation on a BT headset...although people can hear the car
Inside my Xebra I can hear a very quiet whine from the controller. Outside, all you hear is the noise of the tires on the pavement. Not as quiet as the Prius in EV mode, but still very quiet. The heater in the Xebra is noisier and less powerful than the heater in the Prius.
my whine is pretty loud i think. where is the motor on the Zebra? dont know what it sounds like outside. will have to check on that. *edit* had Lindsey do a few runs past me. you can hear the motor but its pretty quiet from the outside. definitely sounds like a quieter version of the car in "Back To The Future"