Gotta get this guy to post here, so I can stop wasting time at Yahoo: Hi All: OK, here it is; the illustrated way I have added an EV Button my Americas version of the '04 Prius. As always, please know that I cannot & will not be held liable for any harm, damage or anything else negative resulting from copying what I have done. Should you decide to copy me and apply this modification to your car; you will be doing so at your own risk and discretion. I have done enough testing to determine that I will keep the EV Button in my '04 Prius with little worry about any harm coming to my system as long as I run the EV Button when my additional Ah of HV Battery are out of parallel with the OEM NiMH. I am still quite in the middle of testing with the extra Ah of HV Battery in parallel and am not even close to feeling secure about this yet and so I will not post on it or share how I am doing it yet; so please don't ask me offline at this time. I have always shared my work when I feel secure about it and I promise to share how to do a joint EV Button and Extra HV Battery in parallel if I ever come to feeling secure about it. I do feel OK about sharing the EV Button only at this time. I have prepared an illustration depicting how I have done this modification which can be seen at: I do not have the part number for the receptacle mentioned in the above illustration. I happened to have a receptacle & wire that fit the plug and I used it for this modification. What the illustration does not talk about is; once you install a receptacle and wire into hole #27 in connector H14 of the HV ECU, you will need to hook it up to a momentary switch or button that will take that wire to vehicle ground momentarily. This will activate the EV Button version of the EV Mode in the '04 Prius. I chose a momentary switch from Radio Shack. I will not make a suggestion for this switch as almost any momentary switch will work just fine. Anyone that does not feel secure in attempting this modification with this much information and the above illustration really should not attempt it at all. I will not, at this time provide any more information than is contained in the above referenced illustration and this message. Again, if you do try to copy what I have done, you are doing so at your own risk and discretion. Regards, Wayne
Hi Waye: Most, if not all, of the people who could harm themselves trying your modification couldn't understand what you wrote anyway, so I think you're safe from any liability. Sounds like a great idea whatever it is. Can you make toast with it? Cheers, Bob
I installed the mod today and it works just like Wayne said it would. I found a "receptacle" that fit very nicely in an old computer I had sitting in the attic; the rest of the hardware I picked up at Radio Shack this morning. Overall it is a very easy mod to install as all you are doing is connecting a wire to ground momentarily. As many have said on the Yahoo board you may not want to try it if you have concerns about your abilities or voiding your warranty. As for the second reason, I have mine setup to be easily removed if I need to take the car in for maintenance or repairs. Kevin 04 Silver BC
I'd love to be able to do this with my classic. There are occasions where I'm faced with literally moving the car just a few hundred feet.