Waiting for my tire repair today and there was a Sept. Motor Trend sitting there. I came across a large multiple page insert/ad/infomercial for Chevy which was about their 2-Mode hybrids and the Volt. The first paragraph is pure marketing spin: Three years ago, Chevrolet introduced the world's first full-size pickup with a hybrid powertrain. (Hybrids team one or more electric motors with a gasoline engine to trim both gas consumption and exhaust emissions.) Following that success, three new hybrid models are scheduled for introduction in 2008 and 2009 model years. Not to bash GM as I'm sure Toyota's not above publishing such exagerations, but the "Following that success" part when refering to the Silverado "hybrid" just totally cracks me up. I'd like to know one way they'd consider that vehicle a success...b/c the dozen or so that they sold didn't blow up?! And I still don't know any way you can call that thing a hybrid by any classic definition including the one in the first sentence of the paragraph. The ad goes on to describe and explain the 2-Mode system quite nicely and has a beautiful 3-page fold-out (think Playboy centerfold style) image of the Volt showing it with a hydrogen fuel cell system. Anyway, just thought it was funny.
The introduction was a success. That doesn't mean that the sales were a success, just the introduction (i.e. they had one cobbled together on the day of the introduction)
I'm with you Evan. I have happened to spend a significant amount of time lately waiting around in tire shops and seen several of GM's ads in car magazines that just make me laugh at how they continue to build off their hype. I saw an ad tonight with the Tahoe hybrid talking about how great it is on fuel economy and isn't a "puny, teeny hybrid" and can do other things that a puny hybrid can't do. The sad thing is though I think some people will buy it lock, stock, and barrel without any second thought.
You should see the 2mode SUV tv ad then. Uh, they were playing up the FULL-SIZE SUV theme.... OK, whatever.... like Prius/Civic was not a car.