Silver #1 MSRP Central WA state available!!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Bob Allen, Feb 28, 2004.

  1. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    Hi: We just got into Seattle after picking up Humu-Nu, my baby blue Prius ij Moses Lake, WA. These guys are great. They sold me my Prius at MSRP and were totally straightforward, no games kinda guys. XoLarimer also got a Prius there after I posted a notice.
    These guys just got a Silver #1 which is unclaimed. Apparently, they sold lots of Prii last year and are getting more than most dealers in Seattle for the 2004 Prius.
    James Toyota
    ask for Steve Garcia or Dave Sawywer
    Tell them you got info from Bob Allen. Very satisified customer.
  2. xlarimer

    xlarimer New Member

    Feb 10, 2004
    berkeley, california
    SteveG even came and picked me up at the airport!

    I can't believe I landed in one of the largest airports in the country with one of the smallest commercial planes. It's a motto of mine to go somewhere you've never gone before once a year. Didn't know it was going to be Moses Lake.

    ...he he... Got to see Bob's Humu-Nu before he and his family did. Also have a quick picture of it but forgot to bring the camera today.

    They are a great group of people there and the drive wasn't too bad. and to top it off, I got to know the halfling pretty well during the trip.
