I found a reference to Anything Toyota in a post by inventor00. I was wondering if anyone has ever used them and if so, what was your experience with their product quality and their service? I am considering the $50 clear vinyl floor mats as I prefer something fitted to the car rather than "kinda fits OK" from Walmart or wherever. Also, they list, but do not have a picture of, a rear bumper protector (black). Does anyone have personal knowledge about it? Probably more sturdy than the clear one and maybe it is made to fit the Prius exactly as opposed to the Matrix version, which some here have said fits fine but doesn't cover the rear edge of the bumper as well. It looks like the mud guards from Toyota Canada are a much better price than those on Anything Toyota. They want $64 per set (front or rear).
They really seem to like making their front page bright and flashy. Love them animated GIFs. For those looking for the Prius key chain, they have them. But I can't find it in the regular catalog. Found it doing a search for 'Prius' in everything. If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a link to their picture of it. http://www.anythingtoyota.com/outfitters/0...-3845-00_dt.jpg
They were a little slow to ship, but I found the ExactMats were available from my local Toyota dealer. They also sell them on ebay now for the prius.
They shipped fast, ie UPS got the 2 packages the next day. Now they are following a bizarre path. 1 went from Mesquite TX to near Denver to Salt Lake City(!?!?!), original delivery date of 10/6 is now 10/11. It left SLC bound for Secaucus, NJ as of 2:30 this morning. The other left Mesquite about the same time as the first and arrived about an hour ago in Chelmsford, MA still with the original 10/6 delivery date. I don't know which package has the door edge guards and which has the clear floor mats. My mud flaps, also ordered 9/28 from toyota-parts.ca, left Vancouver via UPS on Sept 28. Last 'seen' leaving Redmond WA on 9/30 headed east. Originally expect to deliver 10/7, now 10/6 (according to the UPS site).
Got the mudflaps, door edge protectors and passenger floor mats Wednesday. The package taking the 'scenic route' must have the cargo area mat.
bruce: if you order the floor mats, let me know how they work out. i would like to order them too but the site only lists classics mats. are the classics and the '04's the same?
i called my dealer to ask about the price and got a disinterested salesgirl on the phone. i had to ask her to check the prices on the rubber floor mats and she claimed that there were no clear ones available that was a custom fit. so they lost a sale. i ordered from the online place.
Hi Dave. They fit just fine. Looks like the ExactMat people must have a computerized cutter. They match the OEM floor mats exactly. They are fairly thick, pebbly on the top and really spiky on the bottom. They fit my needs just fine, I think they will wear well. If you live in the same conditions as Starbug, you might find them less aggressive at water trapping than she suggested was imperative. During snowy weather, I have anyone getting in the car clap their feet together outside the car before they get in so there isn't a lot of slop. The problem is that what is left on the boots melts onto the floor mats. The water evaporates but the salt stays on the mats making them all crusty. You know, it seems a bit odd to have floor mats protecting the floor mats which are protecting the carpet ;-)
although she is less than 60 miles away, her climate is much different than mine is. it all comes from her at 3500 ft and me being at 40 ft above sea level. last year was first time in 3 years we got snow. she gets it several times a year, every year. i just mainly want something that can be easily wiped clean. water in my car is not a problem even in the winter. i try not to splash through the puddles on the way to the car. plus, we dont get nearly as much rain as everyone seems to think. i dont own an umbrella simply because it rarely rains hard. it is usually one step above a drizzle. sure we get downpours... but we get that as often as the northeast gets snowstorms.
Define 'snowstorm please' Most years we will get a number of 3-4" storms and a few 12-24" ones. Every now and then we will get a bizarre year. A couple of years ago, I swept (just so the 1/2" wouldn't pack to ice) my driveway 3 times and shoveled it 3 times. That was a VERY light year.
when i lived on the east coast, anything less than 6" was snow flurries. to me if it doesnt make the national news then its just normal weather..
I wanted to make a comment about the ExactMats. For my last car, I went to the office supply store and bought the clear hallway mat where you can buy whatever length you need. It is the same material as a office chair rolling pad except a tad more flexible. Then I took newspaper and placed it down into the bottom floor board and drew the shape and size that I wanted. Afterwards I just cut it out. These mats for me were ideal because they were cheap and due to the way I drew the pattern kept dirt and water from EVER reaching the mats/floor. I made sure that my mats went past the mats and eliminated any cracks. For cleaning purposes, I just occasionally vaccumm the surface and take a rag and wipe off anything. Has worked excellently for the 4 years I owned my last car as the floors were basically new.
I bought the door edge guards from Anything Toyota. They came ontime, on budget and were packed very well. The color is a spot on match and very easy to install. the mudflaps, or splash guards as the Canadians say, I purchased from Toyotatown in Langley, BC. $45; came in about a week for the entire set. The guards are made in Canada and are standard equipment there.
I ordered the ExactMats & door edge guards for my 2005 on 11/17 & they got here 3 days later. Just in time - we got our first snow of the year the day after I put the mats in the car The mats are a perfect fit! I thought my feet would slide around on them since they're a smooth plastic surface, but they're just fine. I can't put the door edge guards on until I get some touch-up paint - the instructions say you should use it during the installation process. My local dealer had to order it, so I have to wait a couple of days.
Got mine in three days after ordering. Anythingtoyota.com is actually Mike Halvert Toyota in Houston, TX (for anyone who wants to know). Put the Exactmats in almost immediately (after taking them out of the box and letting them sit on the floor of my apartment for about an hour so they would straighten out). Door edge guards were very easy to put on. Didn't cut them or paint them at all. Instructions call for using a soft-face mallet, but I was able to use a regular claw hammer and simply followed the directions to use very light taps from top to bottom. I made sure they went all the way down onto the door edge.They fit just fine and the color is a dead on match. They're very low, so they should have no effect on coefficient drag or mileage.
You don't cut or paint the door edge guards, you trim some seal off the door and paint the exposed part. I did buy a rubber mallet, which has also proven useful on the bookcase I am making. The sides are held together by dovetail joints on the fixed shelves and the back pieces. Don't want to even tap on that soft pine with anything hard!