My Brakes are Barking at Me

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by TonyPSchaefer, May 17, 2006.

  1. Eric45

    Eric45 New Member

    Jan 15, 2007
    I pretty sure I have an answer to this brake "bark" problem. I took my Prius into the dealer today and they explained to me that the Prius does not use a braking system like a normal car, since braking is used to charge the battery. However, when the brake is pressed hard (while moving or at a complete stop) a normal braking system is engaged which makes the barking noise. This extra braking system is there for safety reasons in case the main braking system fails. My barking noise only happens when I’m at a complete stop and hold the brake down very hard, at which point I will hear the noise after a few seconds. If I hold the brake down lightly I do not hear the noise at all. This noise does not seem to be a symptom of a major problem, but merely an annoyance. I’ve decided to be easy on the brake and just live with it. I hope this helps.
  2. pakmount

    pakmount New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
    I have this same problem (2007 Prius with 1200 miles) - I took it to the dealer who jokingly suggested I take it to the vet if it was "barking". They clearly didn't believe me, until low and behold, it barked for them!
    We all had a good laugh, and then they found the problem. The Brake Actuator Assembly needs to be replaced. It's scheduled for replacement later this week.
    In the mean time, we have lovingly named the car "FIDO"!
  3. Bethrn97

    Bethrn97 New Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    I own a 2006 Prius and mine started Barking about 3 months after I bought the car. Just as everyone else here, mine barks when my foot is on the brake. I can be stopped at a light or when I first start the car. I live in South Florida. The wheather is hot and humid. I've not been able to replicate the noise for the service department. My daughter heard it once when she was standing outside the car and I was inside. She said "Why did you honk at me?"

    I'll be interested to hear if anyone has a true answer to this!
  4. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Welcome to Priuschat. As you can tell from the thread, no one has a solution or a cause yet. Mine haven't done it recently unless I've just gotten used to it though I doubt that.
  5. ecprius

    ecprius Junior Member

    Apr 4, 2004
    Livermore, CA, USA
    2004 Prius
    I went on vacation recently (California to Colorado to Nebraska and back) and have been back home for a week. My brakes were "barking" as soon as I got east of Wendover (Nevada/Utah) and stopped "barking" when I got back into Nevada on the return trip. I didn't have time to take it to a dealer while I was out there. I figured that since the same thing happened last time (see post #11 of this thread), I'd ignore it. This time I noticed that while I held the brake pedal down, I could hear several "barks" in a row.

    I'm not too worried about it since things are back to normal, but I still wonder what it is (change in elevation/temperature/humidity all at the same time?). I've been up in the Sierras in cold temperatures and can't reproduce the noise. Hopefully I'll have time to pull into a dealership if the "barking" come back on my next trip.
    - Ed
  6. wyounger

    wyounger New Member

    Feb 12, 2007
    Atlanta, GA USA
    2007 Prius
    Oh, I almost forgot! I dug around and found a TSB on this issue. It's not a safety concern but if you gripe about the noise and show your dealer the TSB they will replace the brake system accumulator. I decided that I would wait for cold weather to return so I could show the deazler the noise (mine only does it in the cold) and then ask for the repair (if the language of the TSB had given me any safety concern I would have insisted that they do it immediately). Unfortunately I printed out this TSB last spring and now I can't find it and don't know where I got it. Anybody have access to those who can poke around for it?

    Aha, I found the old thread with the TSB info in it.
  7. gil

    gil Junior Member

    Nov 9, 2004
    Richmond, VA
    2010 Prius
    Ok, I asked about this over a year ago when my 05 Prius had this problem (and yes it is really annoying!) and I got the same guesses, "never heard of it" types of replies as well. I made numerous trips to the dealer with the dreaded "can't reproduce" response. Mine would only do it when cold and after sitting for several hours, and only when sitting still with my foot firmly on the brake. Finally in frustration (and near the end of the warranty) I went to the dealer and demanded to demonstrate the problem to the technician and he finally agreed with me the howl, screech, bark whatever you use to describe it was real. He checked with Toyota and their solution first was to bleed the brakes. This fixed it for a couple of days and it returned. I went back and they replaced the antilock brake accumulator. The problem has now gone away. If you have a Prius nearing the end of the 36,000 mile warranty have it fixed before it expires or at least get the problem on record because replacing the accumulator out of warranty is expensive.

    So far, I haven't had the same issue on my 07 Camry Hybrid.

    Good luck.
  8. SureValla

    SureValla Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    Shelton, CT
    2007 Prius
    here is a description of my experience with the prius sea lions

    first I live in boston, 10 ft above sea level for those of you who think its altitude related. I think this shows it is not.

    Also I first started hearing this around 5K miles in probably october when the temp was in the 50s or 60s so i also dont think its terribly weather related. I have also heard it on 70 degree days

    How I found the problem:
    I didnt think it was a problem at first and then one time my gf was driving with me asked me who was honking at me. I said oh thats just my car, it seemed normal to me and i didnt worry about it but this got me thinking.

    After this I started to notice it more. I noticed it came from the front left of the car. Sometimes in spurts of 3-5 "barks" like others have described. Then I noticed I could create the sound by pressing and depressing the break when not moving. It never happend while applying the brake while driving. The brake had to be pressed down as far as possible for it.

    Then I was cruising priuschat and found this thread and the TSB so I decided to get it checked out

    The Stealership (not at all in this case)
    I went to a herb chambers dealership here in Boston and made my appointment on tuesday. The woman was somewhat skeptical telling me they've had lots of prii and that never made this noise and she was very adament about making me realize they'd have to test it first. I said I know it says that in the TSB and left it at that.

    I made the appointment for thursday at 715. I showed up, worried I was not going to be able to produce the noise at the dealership. I decided to wait for the car and they said they'd check it out. I went and waited for 1.5 hrs in the waiting room when the guy came to get me and told me my car would be right up and that it had been fixed.

    I dont know if they were able to produce the sound but they did drain the brake fluid for me AND they gave me a free car wash! I was thrilled that they believed me and fixed it and got a car wash it was great!

    I've been drving for about 4 hours since then and have not heard it once.
  9. HighBreed

    HighBreed Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    Los Angeles/Orange Counties
    2004 Prius
    Let us know if problem returns. Dealer just drained the brake fluid... and the brake actuator assembly wasn't, right?
  10. SureValla

    SureValla Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    Shelton, CT
    2007 Prius
    its been a week now, the noise has not returned and yes all the dealer did was drain the fluid
  11. irnadd2008

    irnadd2008 New Member

    Sep 18, 2008
    Chicago, IL
    2007 Prius
    I have a 2007 Prius with almost 50,000 miles on it. I have had this break barking noise issue with my Prius ever since the first service at 5,000 miles and have had break actuator replaced two times. The first time it was replaced the noise went away for about 3 months or so and then started coming back again. Now the noise is getting louder and happens to me all the time. While driving or standing, when i first turn the car on or after the car has been on for a while. I have had to finally contact Toyota directly because the local dealership has stopped responding to my requests to check breaks even after going for a test drive and hearing the noise several times. I am presently waiting for an outcome and hoping my breaks don't one day just decide to give out while i am on the freeway driving 85 MPH to work.
  12. problemchild

    problemchild New Member

    Mar 17, 2008
    2008 Prius

    But Mine does it below 60f.
  13. eurosteve

    eurosteve Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Watkins Glen, New York
    2008 Prius
  14. problemchild

    problemchild New Member

    Mar 17, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Automotive Recall and Technical Service Bulletin Titles for 2004 Toyota Prius L4-1.5L (1NZ-FXE) (Hybrid). ​

    TSB Number & Issue Date TSB Title
    SSC40D MAY 04 Recall - Hybrid Vehicle ECU Reprogramming
    TSB Number & Issue Date TSB Title
    LSC40J NOV 04 Campaign - Navigation Software Upgrade
    TSB Number & Issue Date TSB Title
    SB0122-08 JUN 08 Keyless Entry - Smart Key(R) Battery Diagnostics
    SB0088-08 JUN 08 Engine Controls - MIL ON/DTC P0125 Stored in Memory
    SB0087-08 JUN 08 Cooling - Noise From Coolant Heat Storage Water Pump
    SB0048-08 JUN 08 A/C - Compressor Oil Service Procedures
    SB0038-08 APR 08 Engine - Cylinder Head Cover Baffle Precautions
    SB0030-08R APR 08 Lighting - HID Headlamp Diagnostic Tips Update
    SB0020-08 MAR 08 ABS/TCS - Zero Point Calibration Information
    EG001-08 JAN 08 A/C, Cooling System - MIL ON/DTC P1121 Stored
    PG007-07 NOV 07 Vehicle - Replacement VIN Plate Information
    EL015R-06 NOV 07 Keyless Entry - Smart Key(R) Specification Information
    EL010R-07 NOV 07 Keyless Entry - Remote Transmitter Programming Guide
    BO017-07 OCT 07 Restraints - Seat Belt Tongue Plate Stopper Service
    SS006-07 AUG 07 Battery - Absorbed Glass Mat Battery (AGM) Information
    EG047R-04 AUG 07 Engine Controls - MIL/Master Lamp ON/DTC P3191/P3190
    SS004-07 AUG 07 Restraints - SRS Component Disposal
    EG001R-07 JUL 07 Cooling System - MIL ON/DTC P0A93/Info Code 346
    EG045R-06 JUL 07 A/T - MIL ON/DTC's P0AA6 OR P3009/Info Codes 526 & 613
    PG003-07 JUL 07 Hybrid Systems - Emergency Response Training CD
    TC010-07 JUN 07 A/T - 'World Standard' Transmission Fluid Information
    EG034-07 JUN 07 Engine Controls - Bank 1/Bank 2 O2 Sensor identification
    BR002-07 JUN 07 Brakes - Parking Brake Lamp ON After Releasing Brake
    EG058R-06 MAY 07 Hybrid Controls - MIL ON/Multiple Hybrid Codes Set
    EG025R-05 MAY 07 Hybrid System - MIL ON/Multiple DTC's Set
    SS002-07 APR 07 Engine Controls - ECU Flash Reprogramming Procedure
    EG050R-04 APR 07 Engine - Oil Specifications
    ST005R-01 MAR 07 Steering/Suspension - Vehicle Pull Manual Supplement
    TC003-07 MAR 07 Drivetrain - Driveshaft Replacement Precautions
    BR001-07 FEB 07 Brakes - Squeak Noise When Pressing/Releasing Pedal
    AU001R-06 FEB 07 Audio System - Quick Reference Diagnostic Guide
    EL003-07 FEB 07 Air Bag Systems - Repair Manual Supplement
    BR012-06 DEC 06 Brakes - MIL On/DTCs C1341-C1344 After Pad Replacement
    EL013R-06 DEC 06 Cell. Phone - Bluetooth(R) Compatibility
    PG001R-06 NOV 06 Electrical - Battery Maintenance and Testing
    EG024R-05 NOV 06 Hybrid Cooling System - DTC P1121 Set/MIL ON
    EL010R-04 NOV 06 Instruments - Fuel Gauge is Inaccurate
    CRIB146 SEP 06 Body - Paintless Dent Repair Information
    PG002-06 JUL 06 Hybrid System - Inverter Removal/Installation Precaution
    PG011R-05 JUN 06 Fuel System - Fuel Injector Cleaning Procedure
    EG017R-05 JUN 06 Hybrid System - MIL ON/DTC's P0AA6 or P3009 Set
    NV004-06 MAY 06 Interior - Front Seat Squeak Noise
    EL004-06 APR 06 Lighting - Automatic Headlamp Leveleing Lamp Flashing
    BO017R-03 APR 06 Body - Interior Trim Panels/Garnish Loose
    PG007R-03 MAR 06 Hybrid System - HV & Auxiliary Battery Maintenance
    AU001R-05 FEB 06 Audio System - Amplifier Won't Turn OFF/Battery Drain
    EG063-05 DEC 05 Ignition System - MIL ON/Misfire DTC's Set
    BO022R-04 DEC 05 Restraints - Seat Belt Extender Availability/Application
    SS003-05 NOV 05 Audio System - CD Player Skip Verification
    BO014-05 NOV 05 SRS/Interior - Seat Cover Replacement Caution
    PG008R-03 NOV 05 Antitheft - Smart Key System Function Clarification
    EL008R-04 NOV 05 Antitheft System - Smart Key(R) Registration Supplement
    PA002R-02 OCT 05 Paint - Paint Stains Under Rapgard
    SS003R-02 AUG 05 Antitheft - Diagnostic Tester Immobilizer Function
    EG029-05 JUL 05 Engine Controls - False MIL ON/P0A7A/IC 325
    EG045R-04 JUN 05 Engine Controls - Entering VIN When Replacing PCM/ECM
    EG022-05 MAY 05 Engine Controls - MIL ON/DTC P1151 Set
    EG019-05 MAY 05 HV Service Plug - No 'Ready ON'/MIL ON/DTC's Set
    EG014-05 MAR 05 Cooling System - Radiator Cap Inspection Procedure
    SS001-05 MAR 05 Computers/Controls - CAN Interface Module Initialization
    PA003R-02 FEB 05 Paint - Refinishing Bumper Cover
    EL002-05 JAN 05 Instruments - Multi-Display Functions are Inoperative
    TC002R-03 DEC 04 Engine/Transmission Controls - Resetting ECM Memory
    AC009-04 DEC 04 A/C - Sensor Inspection Procedures
    PA005R-04 DEC 04 Paint - Iron Rust Contamination Repair
    TC006R-03 DEC 04 A/T - New Fluid Introduction/Compatibility
    CRIB141 OCT 04 Paint - Chip Resistant Coatings
    EG038-04 SEP 04 Engine Controls - MIL ON/DTC's P0136/P0138
    BO017-04 AUG 04 Body - Rear Door Frame Black-Out Tape Wrinkled
    EL009-04 AUG 04 Electrical - Power Window/Roof Initialization Procedure
    EG023R-04 JUL 04 HV Battery - MIL ON/Multiple DTC's Set
    PG002-04 APR 04 Vehicle Information - Emergency Response Guide
    EG018R-03 MAR 04 Engine Controls - MIL ON/DTC's P0136/P0138 Stored
    EL001-04 JAN 04 'Smart Key' (R) System - Poor Performance
    TC006R-03 DEC 03 A/T - Type WS Fluid Service Precautions/Identification
    SS002R-01 SEP 03 Engine Controls - ECU Reprogramming Procedure
    CRIB135 SEP 03 Paint - Paint Codes
    PA006-03 JUL 03 Paint - Paint Colors - All
    CRIB127 MAY 03 Glass - Windshield and Fixed Glass Bonding
    PA002-04 APR 03 Paint - Color, Scratch Resistant & Anti-Acid Paint
    CRIB122 FEB 03 Body - Body Sectioning
  15. outpost

    outpost New Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    2007 Prius
    We have 3 Priuses of various miles up to 20k. All three "bark". I would call it more of a woff....woff, than a bark. I don't think it is brake related, but we do only hear it when we are going slow. Funny thing is whenever we really listen and try to figure out where it is coming from it stops, but we will keep on trying. It sounds like a dog is saying woff......woff about a block away. Sometimes it is just a single woff. Sometimes there are several within a minute or so and sometimes you don't hear it for a long time. Is this the barking you guys are talking about? My car makes all kinds of funny noises, but they all sound designed in, except the woffing.
  16. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius

    Lately when sitting in traffic at a stop light, we've occasionally heard what
    sounded like someone honking. We thought it was an impatient driver trying
    the "Get out of My way! I am the only reason why the universe exists, I am
    outraged that My Primacy is not evident!" gambit.

    But now, we've heard the honk in the driveway on start up a few times, and
    there wasn't a moving car anywhere in sight. What the heck?

    Well, now I know, it's my brake system. But I don't think the Toyota techs
    are going to do the TSB's fluid/actuator job unless I can demonstrate the
    sound to them.

    I need to find a way that I can induce the sound on demand.
    Has anyone found a reliable, repeatable way to do this?
  17. wyounger

    wyounger New Member

    Feb 12, 2007
    Atlanta, GA USA
    2007 Prius
    Mine does it consistently if you put your foot firmly on the brake pedal while at a stop in Park- like when I'm getting ready to shift out of Park into D or R. If I stay in Park and continue to slowly step firmly on the brake pedal, and release again, it will bark bark bark bark quite a bit. The colder the weather, the more it does it.

    I actually took my 07 in for this issue on Tuesday morning (when I knew it was going to be extra cold). They didn't hesitate to do the actuator replacement- another dealer already did the bleed procedure last year, and that didn't fix it. The TSB says that if the bleed doesn't fix it, that you replace the actuator. But they had trouble getting the part and eventually figured out that the actuator is on national backorder (that's what my dealer is telling me, anyway). While we wait for the parts to come in, I am driving the car without worry. The TSB says that it's just a noise, not a safety issue. If it were a dealer telling me that, I'd be skeptical, but given Toyota's deep pockets, it would be very expensive for them to be wrong about that one.
  18. wyounger

    wyounger New Member

    Feb 12, 2007
    Atlanta, GA USA
    2007 Prius
    OK, my service adviser just called to tell me that the part came in. So apparently the actuator is backordered, but they're only a couple weeks behind. Not too bad.
  19. wyounger

    wyounger New Member

    Feb 12, 2007
    Atlanta, GA USA
    2007 Prius
    OK, the work is done, and the noise is banished. But wow, you should have seen the warranty charges they sent to Toyota... $2250. The part alone is $1769!
  20. Pritoymaster

    Pritoymaster New Member

    Nov 9, 2007
    There is a TSB on this problem from Toyota. I have heard the noise described in many ways, including barking. Sometimes it sounds like more of a squeak than anything else. It also will mainly occur when you are sitting still and pressing on the brakes.

    The fix is to first bleed the brake system. This has to be done with the factory techstream scantool. I have fixed about 5 of these cars now by just bleeding the brake system. I found small amounts of air in the brake systems of the cars that were making the nosie. If bleeding the brakes system does not fix it, then the ABS actuator will need to be replaced. So far, I have not had to replace an actuator. This noise is not a safety issue, just an annoyance.