Date Ordered: August 15th Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Carson Toyota, Carson, CA Timeframe given for delivery: Started with late November, moved to December, now is January, depending on Toyota allocation. Option Package: Started with AI, but was informed no AI packages were being delivered to Southern Calif. Switched to AF, with addition of security system Color: Tideland Pearl Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: Number 1 on list for an AF Tideland Pearl
Hi Jeff! The goalposts for packages contuinue to move! January cars in Southern CA can be: AF BI BC and that may again change in Feb, but you are most likely going to have a car in January. :> In March/April, cars will (or should have, as these things are subject to change with region pretty much just accepting what they can get their hands on!!) have BI BG and BC only. Dianne
Found out today that my car is at the dock. Will be at Carson on Wednesday, February 25th. Yippee!!!!
Oh Jeff, I knew that! I was needling you... ::subliminal message to leave the 8th graders and get down here:: because I have an 8th grader and getting out of class would be a GOOD thing in the rain! ;> Di
The wait is almost over. My car is at Carson Toyota! I will be picking it up after work today. What a sweet moment will be when Dianne hands me the key fobs. Jeff
...jealously... when Dianne, who wants the EXACT same car with the EXACT same option package, hands you the fobs jealously... you may have to chase me for them!
Jeff, did you end up with package AF or BC? Or something else entirely. I can see from your site though you got the best color ever ... tideland.
I ended up with the BC. I had no thought at the beginning of going with the BC, the wait and my willingness to accept the best wore me down. I am very happy I went with the BC. One of my bosses (actually the assistant principal) today wanted me to take him for ride. He is a real car guy. He just loved the voice activated controls. So far, the navigator lady doesn't under 70 degrees. She thinks I am saying 80. I'll have to work with her on that. Jeff
Jeff, since you do not talk with a lisp, I will have to mention that the louder one talks, the more distorted it sounds to the car's microphone. Try saying "69 degrees" quietly. It will not go under 68 anyway. And, you truly deserve that car! It's a wonderful car!! You just treated yourself. Di
I guess it is just my "teacher voice" that is coming out. I will try speaking more softly tomorrow on the way to school. Yes, I know, Saturday School? Yes we do. Got to bring those test scores up as much as possible since No Child Left Behind became law. Jeff
Congratulations to both of you! Jeff, I hope you enjoy the car. Dianne, do you at least get to drive it a little before giving each car to its owner?
I am the one who gets to slam on the brakes to test them and swerve it around the corners fast to make sure there is enough air in all the tires. :tomato: Congratulations to both of you! Jeff, I hope you enjoy the car. Dianne, do you at least get to drive it a little before giving each car to its owner? [/quote]