I usually see 7-8 on a work day. I see five in the parking lot at work everyday. That's a mixture of both model types. Seems like for the 04-05 models Salsa is the dominating color where as that light green color was dominant for the earlier model.
I'd looked for a month or two and did not see any. Within 24 hours of getting mine, I saw one...same color even!!
Was anyone here driving a silver Pri on I-75 north of Miami this past Saturday, Nov 20, at about 1:30 in the afternoon? We passed you in a white Ford mini-van. We were heading back to Tampa from a cruise. Tried to wave to you. Otherwise, maybe saw one since I purchased in August. Saw a blue one on US-19 in Hudson just before I bought one. Don't think I would recognize a classic.
I think I've only seen 4 or 5 in the last year that I've been looking at Prius. This weekend I saw my first one since I've gotten my car (a month and a half ago). It was a seaside parked in someone's driveway just south of Stuttgart, Arkansas if I remember correctly.
Funny you should ask. Just last Saturday (the 20th) we were in our 04 Red Prius heading south through Hinsdale. We thought there was a classic Prius behind us - there was. Just then a Silver 04 passed us! It was the first "group of three" we had encountered outside of a lot (including meetups). Usually two (others) a week. One is in my neighborhood.
Counting both Prius I (classic) and Prius II, not more than one to two per day. I tend to notice more when they are parked in distant places (foothills of Sierra Nevada).
No consistency whatsoever here in the NW and W burbs of Chgo for me. I can go days without seeing even one 04 or Classic. On other days, I'll see several. Not all that long ago, I saw no less than 5 04's and 2 Classics. This is very weird since I know someone living in my immediate area has an 04 Driftwood while someone else owns a Classic (they must have the full-blown stealth option).
I just wanted to comment that I saw a "in the wild" sighting. It just happened to be in front of me in after work traffic. Suddenly I realized that it was an Enterprise rental. Funny thing how I didn't get a decent car when I had to have a rental for like 2 months. Grrrrh.
well, here in nashville. im lucky to spot one a week. normaly, its more like once a month! i feel though, that is beginning to change. hope so
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fred\";p=\"52591)</div> Alas, I bought my Prius in Nashville and then promptly removed it from the state . You'd think with Beaman getting the largest allocation of Prii in middle TN you'd see more in the area... but I guess "the largest allocation in middle TN" still might not be that many. Today at the post office I saw a Salsa with its entire rear bumper removed . But it was interesting to see underneath. There are these things that look like vents on side of the car under the bumper. Anyone here? It was the downtown Austin post office, around 5 pm, you arrived after I did.
the one thing i really like about beaman toyota is that it is 100 per cent against the rules to charge more than msrp. from what i read thats a little unusual
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fred\";p=\"52618)</div> Probably depends on the area. Every dealer I contacted within my 'reasonable' range was MSRP and no more. One had turned down a $3000 over offer and told the lady they would be happy to put her on their list.
the vent under the bumper on the LH side is the discharge vent for the HV battery. It takes air from the passenger compartment on the RH side of the rear seat and pulls it down and blows it around the battery and discharges it out that vent.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon\";p=\"52652)</div> That makes sense. The one I saw as on the passenger side; I didn't walk around to the other side of the car to see if there was a matching one. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fred\";p=\"52618)</div> For a short period of time, they were charging a $1k premium for people ordering from out of region, but it didn't fly too well (I think the salesmen talked the management out of it) and they never really ended up implementing it. My sale was very low pressure, and they sent me cookies afterward .
Living in Silicon Valley, I see countless Prii on my commute each day. The most syncronicity I've seen in one day were two blues, two reds, a gold, and a green (and that was just the morning drive!). On that note, is there anyone in the forums on the 17/880 commute (Santa Cruz/San Jose)? If so, I'll start to wave when I see a fellow hybrid owner. 8)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Heikki\";p=\"51493)</div> There are now more than 400 in Finland. But I haven't seen a black one except mine
I see about 4-6 each day. The colors I see mostly are: (In order of sightings) Super White Salsa Red Millennium Silver Seaside Black Driftwood (I've only see one of these) I've never seen a Tideland Pearl Prius.
None on the road. My neighbor has an '04 silver and my brother, who visited this weekend, has a '05 blue.
I know of eight (8) in my town. I don't see them on a regular basis but I know they're there and we add a few more every month.
There are very few Priuses in New Zealand (maybe a couple of hundred throughout the country). I have been the proud owner of my "silver ghost' for two weeks but have only seen one other Prius on the road in that time. Imagine my surprise when I went into the dealer today to pick up my car (just treated with a protective coating) and found another identical silver Prius sitting opposite mine. (It had been getting the same protective treatment). The real surprise came when I spoke to the owner and discovered that we had the same first name, had gone to the same school and sung in the same choirs thirty or forty years ago. We had not met since that time but live a few kilometers from each other. :? Weird.