Last time I posted, I got my first 500 mile tank and posted 52.26mpg. After 16 days of careful driving, I've broken my record again, but depending on if you look at the MFD or the fill-up data, I might have hit another milestone. I went 462 miles, still had two pips left and could have done another 500 mile tank, but I saw a decent gas price and wanted to go ahead and fill up. I filled up at the slowest pump speed, and topped only up to the next dollar (cut off around $19.70, brought it up to an even $20). 7.521 gallons, so that put me at a calculated 61.43mpg. MFD showed me at 58.3mpg. So, which do I count? I want to count this as my first 60+mpg tank, but doesn't feel right when there's that much of a discrepancy in the two numbers. Thoughts? I know over time it will all average out anyway, and my lifetime MPG over the 13337 miles is now at 46.08 mpg, boosted pretty well by my last two tanks. I'm going to get over 50mpg lifetime, dang it Next tank should be a good one too, putting my EBH in this weekend (maybe Friday, thinking of taking the day off anyway).
The MFD value tends to be more accurate because of the variances in the bladder. At least for me I've seen less scatter with the MFD values, which always tend to be slightly higher than the calculated mpg. You're doing great if you're up in the high 50's. I drove a couple of 'careful' tanks and got 65mpg but recently had to change my driving route to take someone to school 3 days/wk. and my mileage has 'plummeted' to just over 60mpg/tank The EBH should be good for 2-3mpg/tank if you use it every morning. Have fun.