we earned ourselves a free (well, after reimbursement) pair of new wiper blades after DH did some shop audits last month. he picked the most expensive wiper blades that bosch made. they're pretty damn good. (and they'd better be!) we are getting some really needed rain and the wipers perform great. no streaks, no squeaks, nothing. nice clean windshield. takes a bit to get used to because they look different, but man they're nice. thumbs up on those.
Thanks, that's good to know. I was looking at the Icon wipers at one of the auto stores that has 25% off until the end of the month. Did DH use the original lengths, and do they attach as the OEM, or is an adapter used? I am going to get a set for my truck and may add the Prius to the list.
he used the original lengths afaik. and they don't need an adapter, they hook right up to the wiper arm. very easy. at least, he made it look that way, i just watched as i removed the groceries from the back seat
I put a set on my Insight. They are great. The HCH came with Torsion bar blades. Can't believe the new Prius still has standard blades.