Here's the front/back cover of the Yosemite guide book that they handed out at the entrance to the park last weekend. B)
WOW I remember test driving an EV-1 around the biltmore plaza on 24th st and Camelback in like 96'or 97' I liked it Alot
But Jay, I can't find a manufacturer's name or emblem on the page? Oh hang on, no one makes it do they? That's why there isn't a Chevy Volt on the back page, no one makes it.
Well the reason there is no name is because it was a fast shop. Just decided to crop it instead of inserting the EV1 logo and a bunch of GM bullsh!t at the bottom. Also you can tell the reflection was a quick shop as I did not take the time to clean things up. I like the original ad through since its the best available today. If an EV was available today I think it would be a more appropriate car for the add.