Sat Nav Accuracy

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by alexcbrown, Oct 12, 2007.

  1. alexcbrown

    alexcbrown New Member

    Oct 12, 2007
    I have a UK (EU?) 2007 Prius T-Spirit with the built in sat nav. It seems pretty easy to use but I have found it has a very strange quirk where it simply refuses to calculate the "shortest" route along the shortest path. Instead, it sticks to "safer" roads wherever possible putting miles onto the potential journey. The roads that could be used are visible on the display just not used during route calculation.

    The route from my house to a village 9 miles away is 15 miles according to the Sat Nav, even with Motorways turned off and the "Shortest" option set. It seems to do this for all routes where it will follow a longer route just to keep away from the small grey lines (roads). Of course, it will correct this is you drive along the shortest path for long enough, ignoring the given directions, and it then recalculates the route and suddenly 15 miles becomes 9.

    As with all things computer I am guessing there is a setting hidden deep within the software that allows the routing logic to become ever more daring if required, the problem is no one can tell me at Toyota (won't?). I assume this is all down to Toyota treating drivers as idiots and assuming we will follow the given route even if it passes through a river..

    If anyone knows whether it can be tweaked please let me know..... BTW I tested the Sat Nav in a 2007 Toyota Auris and it works fine (!) Other Prius sat navs at the dealership were the same as mine. :(
  2. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Could the Motorways Off be a function of it?
  3. auricchio

    auricchio Member

    Mar 31, 2006
    Cambria, CA, USA
    2006 Prius
    I too would suggest trying the routing with motorways off or on; see if there's a difference. It's possible one of the smaller roads is mismarked internally as a motorway.

    Also, be sure there are no "areas to avoid" registered in the nav. These areas will always be avoided in routing, even if you were to request a detour while enorute.

    And you're sure you're not choosing "quick" versus "short"...
  4. alexcbrown

    alexcbrown New Member

    Oct 12, 2007
    Hello Rick,

    Tried the "Motorways On" option and ensured it was set to shortest. Made no difference sadly. It really doesn't like to use the smaller roads :wacko:

    I found the Tech menu by entering the hidden touch sequence on the screen but nothing offered a Sat Nav menu that directly referenced navigation settings. Loads of debugging options (route tracker, etc, which leaves dots all over the screen where the car has been) but nothing that allows the route calculation to be tweaked. I suppose I should add a Toyota style warning here to all people - mess with these hidden menus at your peril....

  5. Sitting Duc

    Sitting Duc Feathered Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    Hamilton, New Zealand
    2007 Prius
    I'm experiencing the same problem with my shiny new prius, what I picked up on Saturday: specifically, it sticks to major roads and avoids thin black lines.
    It's amazing; it wants me to
    • make right turns (in .NZ, that means crossing traffic, think Left Turn for you Americans / Europeans / other 96% of countries) on traffic lights with no right-turn arrow (typically I avoid this: oncoming traffic can be painful on paint and person)
    • drive past a perfectly good turn, out to a busy road, and then double-back across busy traffic to get to the same place I can achieve by turning right, right now (i.e. drive 3/4 of the way around the block)
    • drive a complete circle around my house to get to the one road it considers worth driving on
    Clearly delusional; even if she does have a nice British accent. :rolleyes:

    It's possible the option to set time estimates has something to do with this...
    I found a setting to estimate voyage times; it was set to
    • residential - 40 kmph
    • main streets - 55 kmph
    • freeway - 95 kmph
    Thus, if it thinks thin black lines are Residential, it's going to go around them because it will think main streets are faster (although longer), even when they are not!

    I can't make residential any faster, despite the fact .NZ has almost nothing signposted below 50 (roadworks, carparks, schools ...); we tend to go 50/80/100 or 50/60/100 for street / "arterial route" / open road.

    I, too, would love a menu setting that enables me to 'improve' this behaviour, at least around towns I know. It's a good thing I know the best way to get to work; because my car certainly doesn't!
  6. alexcbrown

    alexcbrown New Member

    Oct 12, 2007
    Loads of the tech discussions point out that speed settings under the Setup menu are only there to estimate the ETA. It does nothing to the route calculation which is apparently based totally on road speeds etched into the DVD ROM. The calculation is done by the SAT NAV CPU but as to how much Toyota are able to tweak it is unknown, i.e. they aren't very forthcoming about the low level info (I guess for obvious reasons).

    Went into the dealers again today to express dismay, sales all ran for the sales office and the service department did their best, but I don't think they are furbished with the how's and why's of the Sat Nav System.

    If I could go back 7 months I would have bought a T3 and saved myself a few £k


  7. Sarge

    Sarge Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    Milton, Ontario, Canada
    2023 Prius Prime
    XSE Premium
    I experience the same mystical routing that is described here and I agree that it can seem a little baffling at times.

    In a nutshell, the Toyota NAV is programmed to not guide you through "residential" areas but rather stick to main streets, even when using the "Short" route setting. It can be frustrating for sure, when you know the neighbourhood and that there is a shorter way, but I am also sure the reason it was developed this way is to keep traffic where it should be.

    Speaking as devil's advocate, if you lived on one of these small streets that conveniently acts as a shortcut for others, would you appreciate people's NAV systems creating unnecessary traffic in front of your house all the time? :huh:

    Anyway, the solution is simple - if you know the area, just ignore the guidance and drive the way you want, it will recalculate with each (missed) turn. If you don't know the area as well, try using the "Dual Map" view to get a higher-level view with your left map at 200m (600ft?) zoom and try your own shortcut. Within a couple of turns, it should jump onto track for most cases.

    Of course, these issues are very regional, so YMMV.

    Lastly, as someone else pointed out, these travel speeds in the preferences has no impact whatsoever on route calculation, only on arrival time.
  8. alexcbrown

    alexcbrown New Member

    Oct 12, 2007
    Thanks for all the replies so far. I guess I have to accept what the sat nav does and its limitations. Don't get me wrong, it does have its uses and I need to remember it is only a small part of what is otherwise a wonderful car.

    Oh, and I live in a Cul-de-Sac so I look forward to the hoards of people looking lost outside my front door. :lol: I agree, if you live in a quiet street it would be somewhat upsetting to have HGV's and the like coming past at 2am.

    As for the wonderful voice - she does begin to irritate after a while and I can almost guarantee she gets muted. (Menu button - Volume - Zero)....
  9. Sitting Duc

    Sitting Duc Feathered Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    Hamilton, New Zealand
    2007 Prius
    Having driven a couple more times, it seems obvious that lil Emily definitely routes you off the thin-black-line streets.
    Which is kinda sad when, as mine does, your town* consists mostly of thin black lines, with only a few occasional "main" streets; and the so-called main streets are usually where the worst traffic is, and thus are the best places to avoid! :)

    So it would seem the consensus is that Emily, the magic speaking voice behind the dash, will get you where you want to get to. But if you already know which way to go, you'll probably do better on your own :)

    * at 100-120,000 people, Hamilton is the 4th or 5th largest "city" in New Zealand. It doesn't even have mass transit / subway / light rail / elevated rail. It's not a city, it's a town!
  10. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well, local knowledge always beats out navigation routes.

    If you wanted to, you can tell the nav to avoid the main street by putting the main street on "Areas to Avoid"
  11. alexcbrown

    alexcbrown New Member

    Oct 12, 2007
    I tried that option by adding "areas to avoid" hoping it would see sense - rather than opt for the grey lines it simply recalculated the route over its preferred roads and adds even more miles to the journey.

    My feeling on this matter is that Toyota have installed a Sat Nav that will always provide a route that is "safe" and thereby remove any chance of their solution being held responsible for sending you down a country track where you may get stuck.

    As my ol' man pointed out - why buy a Prius to get great MPG only to have the Sat Nav send you on a route that is up to 50% longer ???

    I am still after some response from Toyota and have sent in a comment to several well known Car TV programs/publications. Top Gear is one of those and I have suggested they have a Sat Nav race to see who gets there first - my $$ on the Prius coming last....

  12. skandale

    skandale Member

    Jun 11, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alex Brown @ Oct 20 2007, 10:49 AM) [snapback]528119[/snapback]</div>
    I think you're onto something here.

    Here in Norway, the Police is getting tired of foreign truck drivers getting stuck on small gravel roads in the middle of nowhere just because their GPS systems sent them on the shortest route. This will sometimes be a tiny private farm road barely negotiable for farming equipment, but as it is on the map, the GPS takes it into the calculation. So the Police is trying to tell people to use common sense, but that seems to be on back order for many drivers.

  13. Sitting Duc

    Sitting Duc Feathered Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    Hamilton, New Zealand
    2007 Prius
    I've heard that England has similar problems.. With "easy" road access to the rest of the continent, foreign truck drivers can go wandering around narrow country lanes with nothing but a Satellite Nav box for (mis)guidance. Local drivers, of course, know better.
    So maybe there is something to this "main roads only" theory :)

    Of course, I can do one better. Right near where I live is a pedestrian walkway, to allow people to walk out of this maze of little streets and onto the main road (no idea why, there's no shops by the walkway; must just be a general 'escape route'). The walkway has cast iron bars, painted white, to make it difficult for bicycles to use the "walk"way.
    Emily, the talking lady in the Sat Nav box, keeps trying to get me to drive my prius down this narrow path! - This map proudly sponsored by Joe's Panel And Paint: See us First!

    Can't blame Emily/Toyota too much though - Google maps makes the same mistake! :)

    So, I guess the truths of satellite (mis)guided cars includes
    • When the speaking voice tells you to turn, first check there is someplace for the car to go
    • Locals can find better routes than the talking voice
    • The box is not magic, you still have to think about where you are and what you're doing.
    Take care!
  14. Inches

    Inches Member

    Jun 9, 2007
    San Mateo, CA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alex Brown @ Oct 14 2007, 11:09 AM) [snapback]525475[/snapback]</div>
    How did you get to the Tech Menu in a 2007??
  15. Sitting Duc

    Sitting Duc Feathered Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    Hamilton, New Zealand
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Inches @ Oct 26 2007, 05:29 AM) [snapback]530289[/snapback]</div>
    I can't speak for Alan; and the American model may be different anyway.
    On mine, I hit the "menu" button (physical thing, top right of the display), then hit the "display" button (top left). About a half inch of the top and bottom of the screen should now be covered by brightness and contrast controls.
    Fairly quickly (don't hurry, but don't hesitate either) push
    • the left hand side of the screen, just below the top adjustment bar that "display" bought up
    • the left hand side of the screen, just above the bottom adjustment bar that "display" bought up
    • top place again
    • bottom place again
    • top place again
    • bottom place again
    A "system check" screen should come up and take a few seconds to verify your Prius is happy, and you can now sneak around and look at the various technical bits.
    When you're done looking, it can be hard to get out. Either power off the car, or I think pressing and holding the "display" button for about five seconds will restart the MFD.

    Be aware that a lot of people have found that certain things in here are very dangerous. In particular there appears to be a "load map" function in the Nav menus that completely trashes your Nav system :(
    There are several other threads on here about this, a quick google for "prius secret menu" got 317,000 replies; many from PriusChat :)
    Several of them have pictures; and it seems there are several different mechanisms - most involve the pushing on the screen up-down-up-down-up-down, but there's one with headlights on/off...

    If it helps, I could throw up some pictures, as soon as I find my car (and my camera)... :)