A couple of weeks ago I got a new pair of Primera A/S tires. Up until that time I was averaging 50 mpg, but since then I've hovered around 45 mpg. I don't know if the tires are to blame or not, because it's around this time that the oil companies switch to "winter" fuel that lowers mileage. Has anyone gotten a set of Primera's, and if so, did you notice a change in your mileage as a result?
I can't comment on your tires, but I live on the east coast and I think our local stations probably switched to their "winter gas blend" about 3-4 weeks ago...I had constantly getting about 50 to 51 mpg all summer....but in mid to late Sept my mileage has dropped to about 48.5....and this drop happened even with blocking my grill and getting Wayne to install an EBH for me in late Sept....so I suspect the drop might have been worse if I hadn't done these things....based on my records it seems that they switch back to a "summer blend" about the first of April around here.