My beautiful Prius was keyed on both sides in a parking lot outside of Las Vegas Sunday evening. I thought I would weep - and still feel that way. After a bit of investigation, I have found that this attitude toward the Prius is not a lone act of violence. I have since been told that there was an article on the local television about low gas consumption vehicles being vandalized... Some internet chatters are actually promoting this sort of action. There is the beginning of anti-hybrid activity. It appears to be revenge action for some SUVs being damaged by terroristic environmentalists. (Yes there is such a group! Earth Liberation Front) Be careful where you leave your car! I don't know for sure if we are going to be able to find the person or persons who did this. It may be on tape because we were parked under a light in a Casino parking lot. Security is investigating. We will now be using Valet parking whenever it is available. Perhaps we parked in a spot that was too visable - which we thought was a good thing. Please be alert! We are under attack.
That is very sad. I am sorry to hear that creeps vandalized your Prius. I hope the damage isn't severe so that you can get the key marks removed easily. Im sure that this can happen anywhere to any car. No matter where you are, there are nasty people filled with hate that should simply be removed from all societies <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(wardplace\";p=\"52267)</div>
I'm sorry to hear about your car as well. I hope you won't have any problems getting it restored to its former pristine state. Also, if you know of any web sites that are hosting the kind of stuff you mentioned (i.e. advocating defacing or destroying hybrid vehicles), please post the URLs.
wow some people just cant stand to see someone doing well. my next door neighbor's girlfriend had a very sharp VW that was stolen a week ago. the cops found it after the kids had stolen the stereo and cut up all the seats (for kicks i guess) they took the car out on back roads and trails and went joy riding in it. although it didnt get run into anything, each door was opened so far that the hinges were bent. they broke off the drivers door handle. wedged the trunk open despite the fact that there was an inside trunk release.... basically totalled the car without wrecking it. total damage was $8500... pathetic
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA\";p=\"52311)</div> Stolen VW story was posted on VW Forum... Is that same Dub? Link Stolen VW
wow close... this one is red too but its a 1999 Passet. and it was found fri afternoon (19th??) also WA plates... just saw a stat that our area ranks in top 20 for auto theft... makes me nervous... only a matter of time before the Prius will be at the top of the list.
wow, i just went to detroit the other day for a school project, nothing happend thank god, but damn man, thats ridiculous
Do you guys remember earlier this year, my Prius got a rock through the driver's side window? I'm still not sure what the motivation was - attempted theft, vandalism, who knows. I feel for ya Wardplace.
No car is theft proof but it seems to me that the very design of our ignition makes stealing it by starting it extremely difficult. Thus, joyride thefts are not likely. That leaves theft for parts. In order for there to be a great market on Prius parts, you need millions of Prii out there getting into accidents all across the USA. Not a pleasant thought, but that's what drives up the need for parts, thus the value for thieves. Car theft is a business after all, with the same rules of supply and demand. So "parts" really aren't that valuable yet. When you add in the added expense to steal one, I think it's a long time before our car becomes the theft magnet that the Camry and Corolla are. The only realistic way to steal one is with a carrier truck. So overall, I think theft is not a major worry. But this vandalism is scary and I feel very sorry for wardplace. Just like the Hummer seems to have become a symbol to attack to express one’s anger at excessive consumption, the Prius just might become a symbol to those who want to protect that consumption at all cost. If the government were to put major MPG requirements on SUVs, certainly some SUV owners would get very angry and some certainly might act out that anger on some “symbolâ€. Though with our current US government, I doubt that will happen until the ocean is 10 feet deeper. The very term “tree hugger†was invented as a symbolic “slur†for those that care even remotely for the planet our kids inherit. Though I like the idea of my car being a positive symbol of high MPG and super low emissions, I certainly don’t like it becoming a symbol to attack. But that’s life.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(removeum\";p=\"52412)</div> with a $4000 battery pack, $220 headlights, etc... what they need a fob for?
Hey wardplace... Behind my computer I have a cork board. On that cork board is a picture of your avatar. I downloaded it a few weeks before I picked up my car on August 30th, as soon as I found out my car was going to be the Driftwood Pearl color. It's a remarkable photograph. Now whenever I see that picture, I'll be reminded not only of this wonderful car, but also of the stupidity out there in the world. Keep us informed of the cost of the repair.
Hi Folks, I'm getting pretty tired of the tailgaters who swerve around me pulling back in front of me by inches because I am driving at the posted speed limit... I’m going to meet with the NHP this morning about one particularly bad part of my daily drive. The road is posted at 50 and has been the scene of a number of fatal accidents in the last six months. It seems that the average speed must be at least 65! I’m a moving target for these morons! And, of course, just to add to the image, many of the speeders are young men and women talking on cell phones while driving SUVs huge. Thank goodness we are driving one very crash safe car!
i really hate that sort of general it seems to me its either kids or someone who really dont like the individual. i dont care if its a great prius or some idiot jerk who feels that since he does not like suvs he can torch them in a stupid a ttempt to save the planet. what crap! vandalism is vandalism and should never be tolerated!! i do admit though, that in most parts of nshville that sort of theing is not going on. theyed rather steal a cameo than a prius. thank goodness
I personally don't like Hummers, but I would never in a billion years even dream of damaging one. I was raised to respect other people and especially their property. Part of the problem now is that we have no serious consequences for criminals. At most, they get a slap on the wrist. So why not commit senseless random acts of vandalism? Makes me wonder why I work my a** off and pay huge taxes to help support these bottom-feeders. So far, I have had nothing but extremely positive comments from folks who see my car sitting there, or even driving in traffic. Street punks who I would normally suspect of trying to deface the car or break a window instead smile at me and say "cool car!"
i never case on people for their personal decisions either. you never know, the hummer owner could live in the inner urban areas of one of our larger cities where some do resemble war zones...