My dealer called me to say that a Prius I had ordered was in. I asked if I could reserve it over the phone and he said no, I have to apply in person. My wife was just a few miles away so I told him she would be there within a half hour. When she got there the dealer told her that he sold the car to someone else a few minutes before. First come first serve. It this ethical? When someone says they are on their way, to sell it to someone else? I had mentioned that I was interested in leasing the car. Could this be the reason it had been 'sold'? Is leasing a less desireable way to finance a car rather than selling it outright? It seems suspicous to me.
A dealer is guaranteed to make more money on the lease than if you bought it without their financing. I would raise a huge stink over this, if it were me. How long were you waiting?
I just cringe when I hear something like this. I hope that wasn't MY dealer. If I had been on a Wait List and, especially, if I had a deposit down, I'd be going ballistic.
I haven't placed a deposit. When I applied he said that they usually ask for one but didn't really need it. I've been waiting since November and he has called three other times offering Prius's that didn't have the options I wanted.
Ah well. I'm not going to complain anymore. The dealer called again this morning and I bought a Prius. Another customer came in about 3 minutes after me and was told that the car was sold. It is just their policy to call several customers and first to arrive gets the cars. Sounds a bit flaky but that's their policy. (When I looked a the car it was still covered with dust and everything wrapped in plastic. It had just been delivered a few minutes before. )
That's a hell of a way to do business. Sooner or later a salesman is going to be going to the hospital. Why not call 3 or 4 people and have them come to the dealer and then you can have an auction right there on the sales floor. Sheesh!!